Fuck It, Before It Fucks You #88 (And I am sorry to enjoy this, but what would you have me do?)

in biden •  4 years ago 

Good evening all you imaginary internet people and happy Friday! It’s about time for another blog from yours truly, so let’s do this.

Fuck It 2.jpg

So election season is in full swing now that Vice President Joe Biden has officially stolen…. I mean accepted the Democratic Party nomination And of course, tensions are running high. And woe be unto those who are refusing to support this pro=war, pro-corporate, pro=police state, old wite racist rapist, for they are by default supporting the other pro=war, pro=corporate, pro-police state old, white, racist rapist Because of course there are no other options. I mean, except for all the other ones on the ballot, but they don’t count because they cant win. They can’t win because nobody will vote for them, and nobody will vote for them because they can’t win. It doesn’t even matter that it was the last administration who gave this administration the authority to indefinitely detain American citizens without a trial or charges. I suspect at this point that people would just prefer that their side have that power to use against the other side.
But honestly, I’m done telling people how to vote. I mean, I’m gonna vote how I want to vote, but trying to convince people to vote for a third party is a more futile cause than actually voting third party. So if people feel like they have to vote for the kinda slightly lesser of two very very evils, then fine. I won’t argue with them. But I”m also not just going to sit back and pretend that these fuckers are good people with anyone’s best interest at heart. I mean, can we at least call there fuckers out and hold them accountable? That’s the one way the people can get any actual representation in the government.
And I’m not totally naive. I know there are differences between Biden and Trump. Like when biden drone bombs someone we won’t hear about it. Certainly not on CNN When Joe Biden puts kids in cages at the border, we won’t hear about it. When he approves a new popeline, we wont hear about it. And when a child sex trafficker commits suicide in their cell, while on suicide watch and under heavy guard, we won’t hear aout that either. Because the great and wise Joe Biden would never let something like that happen on his watch. And any evidence to the contrary is obviously the work of russion spies.
But I’m not unreasonable. That is to say, I can be reasoned with somewhat. I’m not a terminator. I could even be swayed to bote for this pice of shit IF he made a few promises For once thing he needs to start undoing the damage done by the 94 crime bill and the USAPATRIOT act that he voted for and full throatedly supported. And he’s definitely got to restore the writ of habeas corpus by repealing the indefinite detention clause of the 2012 NDAA. Protect indigenous lands from oil companies, and aggreassively prosecute child sex traffickers. Reign in government and corporate surveillance on peopleand start shutting down overseas military bases. Now of course if I vote for him and we’re not moving towards these things by the end of his first term, then I”mv biting for someone else.
Of course, it’s not gonna matter in the end. This country is probably the most divided it’s been since the first civil war, and the second one looks to be right around the corner. Since each side is convinced that the other is trying to steal the election, it’s a pretty safe bet that no matter who wins there’s gonna be shit going down in the streets. So all we can do is brace ourselves for the big, ominous cloud of shit coming over the horizon, and say “Fuck it!” before it fucks you.

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