Professional ban for Kevin O’Connor.

in biden •  7 months ago 

In contradiction to my statement of 18.07.2021 {1}, Kevin O’Connor, serving as the physician to the president of the U.S.A., spreads lies about his patient Joe Biden {2}, who is in reality not only completely ill, especially mentally ill, but also incapable to hold any public office in consequence of his illness. His last speech in Capitol, which he held on 7.03.2024 {3}, confirms my conclusion concerning his mental state, and its content is another evidence for legal incapacity of the speaker. Starting with the reference to the speech of Franklin Roosevelt in January 1941, Joe Biden wrongly believes to be an antithesis to Vladimir Putin, whom he compares with Adolf Hitler. Such weird mental construction reflects his split personality delusion and manifests his own overestimation as a savior of the free world. In his own daydream he sees himself as a hero on the side of the good, but in reality he is only old ill parasite who try to infect the entire world with his idées fixes {4}. Actually, Vladimir Putin is already dead, but Joe Biden wrongly believes he is alive. His ill brain is really a haunted place where the dead are alive, and wrong is true. By speaking out his idées fixes of which he believes they all are truth, he projects his own anxiety, aversions, delusions and suicidal thoughts into the world which is in reality completely different. Such misconceptions and anomalous behavior are characteristic for schizophrenic psychosis {5} which is condition resulting from psychic regression. {6}

Why Kevin O’Connor overlooks all these evident symptoms of schizophrenia and mental retardation by his patient? First explanation for his blindness is his subordinate official position and lower rank as compared with „chief executive, head of state and commander in chief.” Because he is only servant of the president, he can not declare him incapable and suspends from exercising his office in appropriate case. Second explanation for his failure is his complicity with criminal medical organization of which he is an integral part. Third explanation for his professional incapability is his autism. Although I informed Kevin O’Connor about illness of his patient by sending him an email, he completely ignored it. Such ignorance is characteristic for people like Kevin O’Connor as substantiated in introductory monograph of Eugen Bleuler about schizophrenia and in his book Das autistisch-undisziplinierte Denken in der Medizin und seine Überwindung (1919, 2. Auflage 1921).

Here described case of falsification of certificate of health as consequence of complicity, professional incompetence, fraud, and autism gives me the right to ban Kevin O’Connor from his profession and from his offices. This ban is immediately valid.

Dr. Andrej Poleev
Director of Charité.


  1. President Biden's current health summary.

  2. Statement concerning legal capacity of Joseph Biden and members of his administration.

  3. Remarks of President Joe Biden — State of the Union Address As Prepared for Delivery.

  4. Aus fixen Ideen entstehen die Verbrechen. In: Apocalypse Now.

  5. Psychose. In: Charité, mon amour.

  6. Der Sündenfall. In: Metaanalysis of psychoanalysis.

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