Big Data Revolution is Changing the Online Marketing Game

in bigdata •  7 years ago 

What exactly is the Big Data?
Many a time you must have heard of the thing- ‘the big data revolution is here’- and you must have wondered what exactly is the cry all about. Till now the mobile data has been all about showing the temperature, date and time; counting calories, keeping the reminders ready and so on but all of a sudden it is there to change lives by online marketing- how so? Well, it seems to us that the data collected by out phone is very little but just think about the data collected by thousands and millions of phones- that is a magnanimous amount to handle and no one actually knows what is to be done with all that data. In accordance to the International Data Corporation, it has been revealed that by the year 2020, there will be ‘as many digital bits as there are stars in the universe’. Can you even imagine that? This means that this ‘big data’ will be able to reveal the behavioural anatomy that other former techniques could not show at all. It is also been said that if we eliminate the word privacy from the big data in a very careful manner, then there will be an immense game change in the world of marketing. Though now people are really scared about sharing their data, it is the belief of the marketing experts that once they are able to see the benefits of this big data, and some of them start sharing the personal details, this thing will no longer be a taboo.

What is the procedure?
Before that let us take a look at the older version of the marketing procedure and then we will move towards the newer version of the procedure.
• The old formula- This consists of the marketing which comprises of only creativity and media. In this, you only have to show your creative instinct and take the help of the media.
• New formula- In the new formula, along with the earlier ingredients of the old formula, there is also a newer addition to the data. With the help of data, all the promotional content can be shared in a jiffy and that, in turn, will help you to increase the prospect of an increase in the profit margin.
What can we expect from the big data?
 Better segmentation-
The first thing that we can expect from the big data is that we can have a massive amount of personal data which in turn will help us in the segmenting of the audience in the perfect manner. That is because of the fact that since now we have limited personal data, the consumer behaviour has been assumed in a broad generic state and there is no specification whatsoever. Now after the big data, we can have a micro- segmentation of the behaviour and thereby we can also place our products and services in the most desirable manner.
 There will be scope for efficient budgeting-
This is because of the fact that if we take out the guessing game from the segmentation field as we talked about earlier, then the advertisements will be able to reach every person at the right time of the delivery and also through the most favourable method and that means there will be a lot of cost saving in these parts. For example, if you know about a customer who orders the same thing at the same time, then you can serve them the relevant ad right at that time which he or she will definitely notice and you will get to have not only happy clients but also happy marketers.
 Android compatible-
This big data is definitely going to be Android compatible which means that you can interact with your customers no matter whenever you want to. This means that you can now make the ads pop up in front of your customers whenever you want or think your customer will notice and that is definitely going to make a big difference. This way, brand marketing can be done in the most hassle free technique and that too in the spur of a moment.
 Utility of Google app-
This big data will also bring out the usefulness of the Google app in front of the customers. Well, suppose you just entered a new place and you do not know anything about the place. Also, you are too lazy to search for the place on your phone. But what if as soon as you enter the place you get to have the details of it on your mobile screen without any given command? Yes, that is what big data can do. It can show all the nearby restaurants, lodges and hotels of an entire place, so there is a high chance that there will be a spot for your brand name in it as well.
 Unification of the workforce-
Till now, each department was doing its own work- for example, the digital team would do its own work and the marketing team would do its own. But what if all the teams started working hand in hand instead of the step by step method. With the big data in hand, the working mechanism can become a lot faster and more efficient. As a result, your brand name will not only be acceptable by all, it will be the forum where consumers will start committing to it.
 Make use of creativity but with data-
Earlier on creativity would be your only weapon to do the perfect kind of marketing and at the most, you could go advertising with Google. But now with the help of the data, you can mould your creativity in a number of ways that you couldn’t ever imagine. Try this technique and see how unstoppable you can become.

 Fresh relevant stories-
Let us suppose that your brand is all about dress designing and you want to promote the same. Now if you have organised an event, then without the big data, all you could ever do was to take the help of the media and spread the news. But now, you can come up with the fresh stories and live video clips right at the time of the show and that will definitely bring about more enthralling effects. Also, it will let you flaunt off your latest achievements- be it your picture on the cover of the magazine or anything else and you could share these to gain your popularity with the help of this data.
 Innovative ways of marketing-
Just imagine the situation when you are walking down a street and a message pops up on your screen about the offer that a nearby store is giving offers of selling two products at the cost of one and the offer is only valid for the people near the stores. Wouldn’t you barge in the store? Similarly, the big data is responsible for bringing out a number of new ideas of marketing so that the brands can have a lot of profit within a very small duration of time.
 Connection with people at a global level
Bring out the reference to the recent big event and then start the promotional talk. Once you have gained the attention of the potential customers, the rest of the part is definitely going to be an easy job to do. This big data will help you to connect with a lot of people in a simultaneous manner which can save a lot of your time.
 Help the customers during times of quandary-
Many a time it has been seen that customers can be very indecisive at times and those are the times when this big data can really help you out. This is because the customers will be able to ask questions about the particular product and also compare one with the other so that they can be sure of what they are buying. And when people are sure of any product, they have the tenacity to visit that brand more than just once.
 Create audience specific products-
With the big data plan and the Google ad remarketing techniques, it has become really easy to segment the various types of consumers and thus you can make specific products for the specific kind of people. That is the reason why more people will come for your brand as they can be sure to get the perfect thing that they are looking for. The more audience specific you are, the more appealing your brand gets. Also, this does not let the regional differences get in the way of your shopping experience. So the customers, as well as the businessmen can be happy about the smooth process.
The Big data technique is an enthralling one which if gets turned on in a full blast, can change the whole dimension of the world of online marketing. Not only that, those indulging in new business ventures can get immense benefits from the same as well.

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