Exciting new for all you Big Islanders and visitors..I was blessed to find a $500 massage chair for $150..and will be doing mini 10 minute reiki sessions on Wednesdays at my booth in Naalehu on Wednesday. I will also be booking private sessions in my home on Sundays at my home in discovery Harbor. Yes, am still making the jams, butters, juices and coffee. My neighbor Terry is helping me with my booth and also selling her awesome artwork. I have had the calling to get back into doing healing work as the energy is stronger than ever. I got my confirmation today when I told a friend I was planning to buy a massage chair and she told me she had one. I then asked for more confirmation and asked to make the money at the market today to purchase it. Not 5 minutes later, a lady came and bought $50 worth of products and not long after, another lady bought another $50 worth and they just kept coming and buying. I made double what I needed. I pick up the chair tomorrow and start next Wednesday. I already have clients who are excited and several will also be booking private sessions..God truly does give us answers in a speedy manner when we answer our calling and use our gifts to help mankind.