Big Lebowski Fan Art

in biglebowski •  8 years ago 

The Big Lebowski is my favorite comedy of all time, and possibly my favorite movie. So, naturally, I drew some fan art! So far, I've completed my caricatures of Walter and Maude, but I've also got plans for the Jesus, Donnie, and of course, The Dude. Anyone else you'd like to see? Let me know in the comments.

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The Big Lebowski is one of my favorite movies of all time =D


Every time I watch it, it gets better and better.

Yah, well, that just like, your opinion man.

I need to find every friend and relative I have that has not seen this movie and make them watch it with me.... lol

And then get them to go to LebowskiFest with you!

Or become an ordained Dudist Priest and indoctrinate them into Dudism =P

This is great work

Fuck yeah, I'm an Achiever, man. Seen the film over 150 times. I was in Louisville last summer, and I am attest to the fact that this is the greatest weekend event in history!

Oh, we're going to have fun with the Lebowski quotes on Steemit. There's a Lebowski quote that applies to everything in life.

Here's a link to a Lebowski meme I made for Steemit:

Nice one! I'll give that an upvote.

The Dude abides!

(I knew Lebowski would find it's way to this platform)