On the table of luck and blessing, with whom shall we sit?steemCreated with Sketch.

in bigwaves •  7 years ago 

When it comes to the things we use our tongues to proclaim, the matter of luck and blessing are two commonly mixed words which should not be.

To me, luck is an unintentional preparation meeting with opportunity. You didn't merit the gold but the gold became yours kind of situation.

Opportunity is like a wave of moving train, it picks up on the readiness of those it makes its passengers both intentional readiness and unintentional readiness.

Intentional readiness is when we prepare for one particular thing day and night hoping for that one moment to change our lives, to make all the difference. That one signature, that one call, that one reply, mark, approval, upvote that will change everything.

Unintentional readiness is when we have been preparing for something, but in the process of that thing, we are unknowingly preparing for another thing or while we think we are preparing for something we are unknowingly getting ourselves prepared for another thing.

When the wave of opportunity passes and picks on upon unintentional readiness, then we say luck happens. We hear things like ' I never expected it'

Unintentional readiness comes from the depth of the soul, when the desire and the soul are in sync with each other, they are powerful enough to invoke things such as luck to happen.

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However, Blessing unlike either of them runs based on your personal identification with God. Blessing surpasses whether being intentionally ready or not. Most of the time, it deals with the heart, which is why guarding of the heart is very important. Proverbs 4:22 says guard your heart with all diligence, for from it lies the wellspring of life.

Unlike luck, blessing stays with you when it is with, they are new every morning. When you're lucky, you're remembered, but when you are blessed, you are celebrated. Let us be aware of the difference, let us know which to claim.

Above all the may the Blessings of God continually abide with us.

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Your writings are very intelligible! What inspired this particular post?

my dear i really just try, but thank you....the thought of calling myself blessed or lucky, thats what inspired it.

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I think along similar lines on opportunity and luck. I find normally you have to make your own luck but when you dissect it the luck is more than just being lucky.