Bilderberg 2017 Exclusive Footage of Attendees Entering

in bilderberg •  8 years ago  (edited)

Bilderberg 2017 Exclusive Footage of Attendees Entering

In this video I compile the Go Pro and the Iphone exclusive footage of the Bilderberg Attendees entering the meeting. I say this is exclusive footage because it is. For most of this I was the only person filming at the time and I was the only person capturing these vehicles entering the meeting. I barely missed any vehicles from about 7:30 am to about 2pm on June 1st. Some of the vehicles are just delivery vehicles and such but worth documenting anyways.

Please enjoy the video. Please hit like and subscribe. Contact me if you are from a news organization and want to use my footage. I also included some of the photos used in this film here in this steemit post. These photos only exist on steemit.

Please Enjoy The YouTube Film:

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  1. @BitChute:
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Photos from Bilderberg 2017

The Police Presence at the Entrance

The Inner Police Check Point, Where ID's are checked.

Likely Hotel Employee Leaving

Group of European Journalists

Possible Bilderberg Attendee (Notice the Suit Hanging)

Likely Employee Arriving

Orange ID Means A Bilderberg Attendee this is

Photographer Taking Photos of Bilderberg Attendees

Bilderberger Attendee Arriving by Cadillac CTX

Police Respond to a Random SUV that Pulled Up with Hazards on & Stopped

Close Up of the Police Response to this SUV who was lost turns out.

Copyright Issues on YouTube

I added background music to make this a little more entertaining. If people want the raw footage of the video minus the music I can post a video like that as well. Just tell me below in the comments.

I wanted to note; I first made this video to one song, the intro song "Killuminati Mixtape" by Kill The Noise. This is a singular song and I put the credit to the song in the description box. However because YouTube copyright is insane, before the video got a single view it was blocked worldwide and demonetized because 5 different songs, by other people were claiming this is their music when it isn't. I don't feel like fighting 5 copyright claims for one video so I changed the background music and re-uploaded it.

Video Blocked Globally on Bogus Copyright Claims

I just wanted people to see how much YouTube bullshit we have to put up with as content creators. The video is up with a new background music selection.

Music Credit:

Intro Song: Killuminati Dubstep Mix by "Kill the Noise":

Back Ground Music:

  1. Mc Maat - "Tactical Subversion": Link

  2. Mc Maat - "Puppet Master Massacre": Link

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  1. My Patreon
  2. Titus Frost YouTube
  3. Lulz Machine YouTube
  4. Twitter: @ImperatorTruth (When I am not suspended)
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  6. "TitusFrost"
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  8. My Published Book: "The Lost Truth"
  9. TitusFrost
  10. BitChute
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Thank you for covering the 2017 Bilderberg meeting. Intrepid reporters doing actual investigative journalism is a beautiful thing.

This is great coverage. Keep it up, we're all following.

Needs Some Alex Jones yelling at them!!!