Benefit of youth participation in politics.

in biletskiy •  7 years ago 

Better Citizens
Young people who participate politically in their community from early on are more likely to become engaged citizens and voters. So in order to have better “young” citizenship, politics is one of the best tools.

Youth for Youth
The youth face many issues in the world, but these issues go unheard. Since the youth would better understand other young people, the best way to improve this newer generation would be through politics, which is a tool used to take action for development.

From political to civic engagement
The involvement of youth in politics leads to civic engagement which is broader than political engagement because it can include service to the community through involvement in health, education and charity work. Political engagement is a more targeted aspect of civic engagement and can be expressed through voting, participating in political demonstrations and signing petitions for specific issues.

Break the status quo
In countries of dictatorship, the younger generation’s fresh ideas and new leadership can help to overcome authoritarian practices. Protests led by youth leaders can force autocratic leaders to step down from power, allowing these youths to become part of formal decision-making.

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