Weather and Climate in the Bahamas

in bimini •  8 years ago  (edited)

Imagine warm salty breezes in the summer and delightful trade winds in the winter. This is what the weather in the islands of the Bahamas is all about! A quick downpour of tropical rain, followed by bright blue skies and sun so bright it hurts your eyes. Isn't it time to visit the Bahamas and experience this for yourself?


Enjoy the Balmy Breezes ...

AHhhhhh, the Weather and Climate in the Bahamas

The islands of the Bahamas ... with 300 plus days of sunshine is it any wonder that snowbirds from around the world travel hundreds of miles just to bask in the balmy tropical climate of the Bahamas. The Bahamas is a grouping of over 700 cays (pronounced "keys") that run from the Florida east coast throughout the Caribbean Sea. For the most part, these cays have comparable weather conditions, sometimes varying only a few degrees throughout the islands to make this a "hot" spot indeed for the cold weary traveler!

The Gulf Stream has a major influence over the climate and weather in the Bahamas. With the coast of Florida only a mere 48 miles from the island of Bimini in the Bahamas, this large land mass of the U.S. steers the high and low pressure systems making the Islands of the Bahamas colder than many of the other islands in the Caribbean.

This tropical, and sometime sub-tropical climate, makes for generally year around great weather. Summer sees the average temperature range of mid 80's while the winter temperatures hover around 75F degree mark. Fortunately, the Bahamas does not encounter the extreme temperatures of the mainland United States. Take for instance Paradise Island which is pretty much in the middle of the island chain, the winter temps rarely fall below 60F degrees during the night time hours and usually climb to the mid 70's during the day. Summer time evening temperatures rarely drop below the high 70's, and only occasionally climb above 90F degrees during the daylight hours. Very nice, indeed!

It is generally understood that there are only two seasons in the Bahamas; May thru September which is summer and October thru April which is the winter. Summer tends to get hotter and humid, whereas the winter is cooler and dryer. The temperature of the surface of the sea normally varies between mid-70's in February and mid 80's in August.

Lovely trade winds blow frequently throughout The Bahamas and this gives the islands a balmy, pleasing climate that fluctuates little. Winds tend to blow from the east during the year, with the wind speeds, on average less than 10 MPH. In the winter, north and northeasterly winds up to 25 MPH may sweep thru the islands for a couple of days.

Although rain showers can occur throughout the year, the rainy season is considered to be May thru October. Rainfall is not the soft showers of misty rain that many of us are used to, but a heavy deluge of rain along with thunder and lightning. Fortunately these storms usually pass quickly. As they always say, if you don't like the rain, just wait 5 minutes!

Does the Bahamas have hurricanes, you ask? Well, yes, the Islands of the Bahamas do lie in what the experts call the "hurricane belt", as does all of the Caribbean. Fortunately, many of these strong wind storms go around the islands and instead dip down before heading north toward the mainland U.S. I have spent several summers cruising on our boat running from predicted storms to only have them bypass the Bahamas altogether!

The local Bahamians have been dealing with hurricanes their whole lives and seem to take hurricanes in stride. They know how to prepare and once the storm leaves they are usually up and running within a few weeks.

Enjoy the "Bimini Breeze" in this video ... glad I was on land and not bobbing around in a boat!

With such moderate weather and wonderful climate temperatures is it any wonder that the Islands of the Bahamas is the place where frustrated snowbirds head?

 Want to learn more about the Bahamas? Visit


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Sincerely yours, @Bimini 

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