Introduction to an exciting yield forming
Today the world trend and people thinking towards Crypto is changed towards Binance Blockchain.Do you know the wolrd most loved yield farming?.
It is Panayield,the most loved yeild Farming.
Panayield is an AMM/Yield farming platform built on Binance Smart Chain,Enabling its users to earn BBOO the native token.
Pandayield is a Pancakeswap fork,but it is shifting away from that,and it building its own identification and specialities.It`s surfing on the Defi(decentralized finance)trend as it is an AMM,more precisely,a decentralized exchange in which users can stake,exchange(Swap),and earn Cryptocurrencies such as BBOO.
Reward Mechanism
The users have a variety of pools to stake their Crypto.
Their is the leaf pool to stake and to earn even more BBOO.There are other pools to stake pairs and also to earn BBOO.When a user stakes his Cryptocurrencies,he becomes a liquidity provider.Yield farming enables users to invest their Cryptocurriencies instead of letting them dormant in a wallet.
A collateral for doing so,the liquidity providers are rewarded with BBOO(or with other Cryptos).
It`s the exact mechanism as traditional banks.Yet,the traditional institutions have a very tiny joky percentage of reward and APY/APR.
Depending on the stakeweight,the reward will be different.The heavier the stakeweight,the higher the reward.
Swap Feature
The swap feature allows the users to directly exchange from the yeild farming platform instead of going to a CEX(Centralized exchange).
It provides a frictionaless environment for the users to exchange.On the pandayield,users can swap or creat an LP.The LPs the pair that can be staked in an LP pair.
For example,if a user wants to add liquidity in a BBOO-BNB pair,he will have to create an LP for that.
He will have to liquidity and add BBOO BNB in a 50-50 ratio.Then an LP is created,and he will stake in the BBOO-BNB LP pool.
If a user doesnt have the necessary crypto for an LP,he can use the swap feature.
Lets take the example above .The user has BBOO but not BNB.He doest have to go through a centralized exchange to trade or buy some BNBs.
Other Exclusive features
Pandayield isnt just a simple AMM,a decentralized exchange,and the yield farming platform.It offers exciting features to enhance the users experience on the platform. It released the 1st personal dashboard on a yield farming website.Through the personal dashboard,users could follow their gains and losses and have all the necessary data to adapt their investment strategies. It also has a leadboard that introduces us competition and rewards.  Pandayield has developed an alternative to NFT.There are limited edition panda tokens that work like any other tokens,except the ones from Pandayield have specialties and stories,which I find pretty exciting.The whole Panda World with the Panda Forest and Panda Temple are intriguing and hooked me to the platform. Greenpaper The greenpaper is nicely designed.It has its own website which shows you to level of the team. The roadmap is interesting and shows the development of Pandayield and the vision.It seems like Pandayield will be a component of a whole Pandas ecosystem.Lets be honest for a sec,if the team carries the development well,the Pandayield will be powerful. Pandayield is officially Certik certified and fully safe to use. Let
s earn BBOO on