There are some legal channels and means to get your funds back which are usually long and sometimes takes month. You can file legal complaints through technical units and recovery agencies like ASSET FLASHBACK RECOVERY AGENCY by given them your records and details of how you got swindled by the binary option platform and they’d take it from there and give you the necessary details to proceed. I am deeply sorry you fell into that situation just like I was hassled immediately after signing up for an account by Opteck. They called me dozens of times until they eventually got me to give them £500. After losing £250, I decided it wasn't for me and requested my money back. I got called by a Manager in India who wanted to know why I wanted to withdraw my account. I told him that I had no obligation to tell him and that I would just like my money please. He got very aggressive saying that I needed to tell him the reasons why. He obviously wanted to overcome my objections but I wouldn't entertain it and kept refusing to give him a reason. I told him that it was my money and I didn't need to justify wanting it back. He got very aggressive with me and eventually ended the call without confirming if I would get my money back. A few days later I did receive it back, but this was after sending an email to them. By this time I had been called every day but refused to talk with anyone.
Once I got my money back, I abandoned my account. There was no place to close it and I wasn't willing to talk with Opteck on the phone again.
In the six months since I stopped using the platform, I have been called by them at least once a month. Everytime I tell them that I want absolutely nothing to do with them. Often when I tell them this, in no uncertain terms, they just hang up rudely. Sometimes they promise to take me off their lists. Yet, without fail, I get a phone call from Opteck at least once a month that makes me angry. This company may operate in the boundaries of legitimacy but they are extremely predatory. They will hound you relentlessly for money as that is all you are to them. You will have to change your phone number if you truly want to break ties with them as they have no respect for people's wishes. They will call you whether you want them to or not.
My whole life, I don't think I've ever been made to feel so upset and angry by a company. I don't care about the money I lost (within a single day). I care about being treated like prey. Hopefully everybody can get their funds back from any binary option platform that has scammed them, at least Quora is helping to give out the right informations to make things work and easy.