Biodistribution of nanomaterials similar to C-60

in biodistribution-nano •  6 years ago 

Tony Pantalleresco's thirty-four pages of annotated notes identifying the biodistribution of nanomaterials in male wister rats. This link reveals a different perspective on C-60 .

Avoiding the next asbestos: State Of California's emerging regulation for carbon by Sergio Carndenas, chemistry major at College Of The Canyons, under Roger Eardley-Pryor (Research Mentor) and W. Patrick McCray (Faculty Adviser) at Center For Nanotechnology In Society and the Department of History at University Of California, Santa Barbara .

Accessing videos on the frequencies having effects and what can be done:
-Marketing in the health food industry
-Lithium in the atmosphere; NASA validating lithium in the atmosphere; new release from NASA C-60
-Resonance expert mentions details and identifies two relevant resources: 1) APT Report on Technology trends of Telecommunications 100+ GHz (18 pages); 2) 2017 terahertz science and technology roadmap (50 pages).

Essentially, C-60 embeds in brain and terahertz bands access C-60. Test it by getting hit with a terahertz and if one has a heart attack, then one knows C-60/nanomaterials are present. Deactivating one's capacity to rationalize, makes one susceptible to a program.

Tony Pantalleresco: C-60 contains nano materials; talks about the terahertz band and its effect on C-60. Caller damaged and seeking remedy: To repair brain from a solvent or essential oils--clove usage always should be in some kind of carrier. Difference between raw milk and unpasteurized: One is from a cow's tit and one boxed and pasteurized--making big difference. The regulations that maybe coming as a result of C-60 damage will minimize some of the access.


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