Birth Control's Depressing Effects

in biology •  8 years ago  (edited)

It turns out that disturbing one's internal hormones have disastrous affects. The pharmaceutical/birth control industry was never opened about the harm of hormonal birth control on women or the environment. Think about all that goes in the toilet, which eventually infects our waters, soil...etc.

In September '16, JAMA Psychiatry published a ground-breaking article that links depression to the use of birth control, vindicating the first-hand experiences of many. Depression impacts the sufferer's quality of life, their relationships and can lead to suicide in extreme cases. 

"Women who used the combined birth control pill, a mix of estrogen and progestin, were 23 percent more likely to be prescribed anti-depressants than nonusers, and progestin-only pills raised the likelihood by 34 percent. With the patch, antidepressant use doubled; risk increased by 60 percent for vaginal rings and 40 percent for hormonal IUDs.And for teens age 15 to 19 taking combined oral contraceptives, the use of anti-depressants spiked 80 percent."

My personal experiences can confirm the drawbacks of messing with one's hormones. When I tried contraceptives the first time (the Ring), I immediately felt euphoric. Then a few days later, I began having mood shifts (eg) getting angry at trivial offenses...etc. I checked myself and stopped using any birth control since. It's great that science has finally produced more in-depth research into the harmful effects of a drug, widely touted as a god-send.

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You mean messing with the chemical composition of the brain can have a negative impact on mental health? I had no idea...

Really, pharmaceutical companies can't claim they didn't know about these problems. They knew, and they enjoyed leeching money from people they were victimizing.

If being trans has taught me one thing is that sexual hormones have a huge effect on our state of mind and because of that in our actions. I've been saying for a couple of years now that it makes more sense to develop contraceptive alternatives for men for a number of reasons, perhaps I will write about those in more detail in the future . Recently I read an article that claimed the pills being consumed by women not only are ending up in the water supply but are affecting male fertility in a negative way.

Yes! I'd love to read such an article. The stuff that ends up in the water supply will affect aqua life. That's what we end up eating :(

Oh dear! What is all this worth? We need to find natural alternatives, otherwise women don't want to go back to the days where every encounter meant conception.