Neah Bay Birding

in birding •  7 years ago 

Tattoos Island visible from Cape Flattery after a short trail hike to the overlook. This is a great place to find Black Oystercatcher, sea otters, cormorants, diving ducks, alcids and gulls.

Neah Bay is at the very northwest corner of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State. It is becoming the go-to place to find rare birds in WA. Especially in fall some birds seem to have aberrant migration, and instead of heading south, go north. If a bird goes north up the Pacific coast of the United States it will eventually come to Neah Bay, and be looking at crossing the Hood Canal to British Columbia. This natural water barrier to continued migration seems to cause birds to congregate in Neah Bay, and birders to congregate to find them. Over just the last few years Washington State rarities including Zone-tailed Hawk, Blue Grosbeak, Field Sparrow, Brambling and Eurasian Hobby have been found. Uncommon Washington species are dependable in Neah Bay, including Tropical Kingbird, Swamp Sparrow, Glaucous Gull, Slaty-backed Gull, and Broad-winged Hawk (more common in spring).
In addition to great birding Neah Bay is one of the premier Salmon and Halibut fisheries in the lower 48 states, and the town is primarily a Native American Reservation. It is inexpensive to get freshly smoked salmon sold by the tribal members, and in order to bird there you need to buy a $10. visitor pass from the tribe.
I try to get to Neah Bay at least once every fall, and almost always there is something exciting to see. Here are a few photos of birds at Neah Bay that have been obliging enough for photos:

Harlequin Ducks are regular in the marina area and along shore in town.

Shorebirds of many species are regular especially in fall, including this Pectoral Sandpiper.

This Black Oystercatcher was seen at Cape Flattery.

This is a photo of Sail Rock, seen from a turnout on the long curving road to Neah Bay. Once you see Sail Rock you are almost there!


Good Birding. Steem on.

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I'm so excited! I am heading to Neah Bay and Cape Flattery next week.