
in birds •  8 years ago  (edited)


So today i had a bbq with friends and family. There were heaps of seagulls. So thought i'll research about them for my own knowledge and share with you what i've learnt.

Seagulls. Also known as gulls. Those seabirds belong to the family to Laridae. Laridae is from a greek word, meaning "ravenous sea bird"

Those "ravenous sea birds" are truely scavengers. I witnessed them pestering us to hand out scraps of food while we had our picnic. And turn your back for a second and they and so quick to grab the opportunity to steal your unattended food

Those scavengers actually offer a valuable service to us by scavenging up dead animals and by feeding on organic litter.

Seagulls are intelligent birds who from what i read might use a piece of bread as bait to catch a fish. Very clever i think.

Gulls are versatile in the vaste variety of food they consume. From fish, worms, seeds, bread, insects to dead animals. Where they can obtain their prey in the air, water or land.

Those seabirds are known monogamous, meaning they have only one partner over their lifetime. Wao. They all look exactly the same to me, so i hope they dont get too confused who their partners are!

And thats my article about seagulls which fascinated me.

Otherwise i had a great weekend. I hope yours was awesome too!

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Rats of the sky we call them :-)

Yes clever rats of the sky:)

Nice pic krys, I upvote you