Birds of the Okanagan

in birds •  8 years ago  (edited)

One of the simple things that always brings me joy is watching (and sometimes taking their pictures).

These are some of my favorite birds of my home region, the Okanagan Valley (BC, Canada).

House finch


A common but beautiful bird. The males’ faces become red in spring and summer for breeding season. They get the red coloration by eating berries that contain red pigments.

Mountain Bluebird

These beautiful birds come to my region to breed during Spring and Summer.

Yellow Warbler

North America’s most common and yellowest warbler. You can probably find one in a forest near you if you’re in Canada or the USA.

Grey Catbird

A very musical bird, each catbird has a unique song built of several phrases that may last up to a minute.

Cooper’s Hawk

Local predatory bird with a menacing look.

American Kestrel

He’s actually Canadian, but this cute species is our smallest falcon in North America.

Wood Duck

This beautiful mama breeds in a local park near my house. They are skittish and the male is always hard to photograph, I saw him this morning but couldn't get a shot. One day...

Northern Harrier

A low flying hawk, action pose.

And lastly, my favorite local species...

the Belted Kingfisher


Sony HX400v

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Nice, this is exactly your niche, i feel it! BIRDS!

Thanks @thearcanebear, I'm feeling it too :)

Very beautiful birds!

Thanks @emima :)

Great pics. Watching a pair of golden fronted woodpeckers rase there young in our back yard . At least I think thats the bread entertaining and peaceful to watch.

Thanks @ironartman I've never seen Golden-Fronted Woodpeckers before; I'm looking at them in my Sibley book and they're very similar to our Northern Flicker. Nice to have nesting around unless you have a metal chimney :D