Birthdays, cakes and candlelight ❤ 😀 ❤

in birthday •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello Steem people !!!

Today it's my birthday and since birthdays have grown to become a very special part of our culture, I thought to tell you a little story about how they were established! What do you think? Shall we make a move 😚?

So if you think birthdays is a thing of the last couple of are wayyy too wrong lol!

The first person that celebrated his birthday was way back, in Ancient Egypt according to my Bible! We are talking  3,000 B.C.E. approximately!!! 

In Ancient Greece now, while people wanted to find a way to express their gratitude to the lunar Goddess Artemis they came up with something really beautiful!

They added candles on the moon shape cakes they were making- very creative minds right?- which of course, they lit up so the would make a kind of glowy moon shine special effects 😉!!!

The Romans now, next in line, weren't as creative but still they managed to really take the event, a step further down!

Now it was not just about Kings, Gods and Goddesses but also humans! 

Well to clarify that, I mean all the male humans ....since we female, had to wait  a few more centuries - about 10 more or less- for starting celebrating ours! 

So after the female poplulation, of Europe mostly, started celebrating it as well, the children took over and I think, made it really BIG in Germany !!! 

As it would be expected since children have a special way to always make things happen more beautiful and bigger 😀 !!

The reason was because back in Germany of 18th Century - and not only - as you would assume, life was really hard and sometimes the weakest to survive and thrive were children!

So every year those precious children were still alive,were celebrated with a little cake made for them 😚!!!

So after that, the rest is history, when the Industrial Revolution happened, a birthday was the next BIG thing for everybody with big and tasty cakes! Now here, you have to bare in mind that until then, cakes were only for the wealthy!!!

And it might be normal for us to walk anywhere and get anything that might please our appetite, right, but back then, things were much different!!

Let's not forget that  Marie Antoinette was killed because she had NO IDEA WHATSOEVER, that her people were starving to death from famine!!!! 

But I will not get you into that just because, it's my birthday.... so only beautiful things today  😀 !!!!

After all this detailed little story, I believe that a "birthday", is still a day like all the rest of the days of the calendar year! 

Yes of course it is, but it is also a day that creates a chance to get to see the people you love and love  you back ❤ and spend quality time with them! Am I right? 

Well I really have to leave your beautiful company, here on Steemit, right now and go finish some of the preparations for later on!

I hope you had fun going through my post today. Also let me know, if someone else shares his/her birthday on the 15th of February like me 😚?

I don't want to sound cliché by putting a birthday song for closure! So instead.... I will go with one for the lovers, that celebrated yesterday 😉!!!

Until next time, I send you all my love and kisses and don't forget to keep shining with that big smile on your face 😀  ❤ ❤  !!!   

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Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your heart warming birthday wishes!!!
I hope you always have, everything you wish for 😚 😚 ❤!!!!

Really good post Alina!👏🏻 I hope you enjoyed yesterday 😉

Thank you @simple.pure.katy!
Yes I did how about you?

Well, today was kinda chill, but tomorrow’s I’m gonna be out and about again ;)

χρόνια πολλά!! :D

Σε ευχαριστώ @mariossap 😀!!!

Happy Birthday Alina!! :) Greetings to Greece from Mexico :)

Thank you Petr! Hugs and kisses back to Mexico from Greece :)!!!

Happy Birthday, Alina! I wish I was there, or you were here, so that we could celebrate together!

Oh thank you my sweet Nova 😀, maybe next year will be together 😉😚! !!

Happy birthday my dear!!!!!!!!!! I wish you all the best!

Thank you my dear Annoula @annadeda xxx


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Merci beaucoup for the wishes and the beautiful song :)!!

Happy Birthday wishes full of love, bringing you your beautiful hearts desires

Thank you @aumsong, I wish you love as well and everything else you desire :)!

Xronia pollaaa !! Sou euxomai ta kalutera !

Thank you @rouketas for your wishes!!!
Να 'σαι καλά :D!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Happy Birthday sis!!! I love you 😍😍😍

P.S. The article was VERY informative too. A "pink" version of the wacky facts I would say :)))

Thank you brother I love you too 😚😚😚!!!

Haha sounds right :D

The "pink" version of the wacky facts you mean? lol

Happy Birthday!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for the beauuuutiful flowers @angekan!!!

Happy birthday!!! I wish you all the best!!! Nice post!!!

Thank you @anna89, you are so nice :)!!!

You are welcome!!!

happy birthday. ty for the information about birthdays and cakes, two favorite things :)

Thank you @jasonhtch666 :) xxx

Happy birthday girl!

Wish you the best from the bottoms of my heart.

Thank you @skapaneas for your warm wishes 😚!!!

Happy birth day to you

take a little gift upvote

I tried to upvote you too but I see half of the votes I gave in here didn't come up!
What can I do? Thank you so much for your wishes @mominsdt :D! !!

thanks for trying me to upvote.
followed you

Chronia polla! Birthday filakia from the little island of Symi :-)

Σε ευχαριστώ, να είσαι πάντα καλά :D!!!

Happy Birthday!! I wish you a lot more birthdays to come, all celebrated with the people you love and love you back as you said ;)
All the best @alinak15!!

Oh thank you so much @ruth-girl :) xxx

well this is amazin i really like this

Yes it is amazing :)!

Χρονια πολλά να τα εκατοστησεις κ οτι επιθυμεις! με υγεια χαρα κ λεφτα! :p

Σε ευχαριστώ @filotasriza3, να'σαι καλά :)!!!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ :D!!!

Xroooooniaaaaaaa pollllaaaaaa.... oti epithimis..

Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ, να είσαι πάντα καλά :D xxx

Χρόνια πολλά Αλίνα ότι επιθυμεις με υγεία και χαρά.Εύχομαι ότι ζητάς να πραγματοποιείται και να πετύχεις σπουδαία πράματα μέσα από την πλατφόρμα!

Σε ευχαριστώ @unshakeable, να είσαι πάντα καλά :D!!!

Xρόνια πολλά...Σου εύχομαι οτι επιθυμείς να το αποκτήσεις!!!

Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ, να είσαι πάντα καλά :D!!!

Happy birthday . Be healthy and smile. :)

Thank you @iliasdiamantis :) xxx

Happy birthday!!!

Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ, να είσαι πάντα καλά :D!!!