🎈30 Things I've Learned in 30 Trips Around The Sun! | ⚡️A Very Dayleeo Birthday PoststeemCreated with Sketch.

in birthday •  7 years ago  (edited)

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1. Good shoes are IMPORTANT 
2. …so is fiber
3. You’re the only one who can make you happy 
4. Loving your body and treating it like a friend makes life WAY easier
5. Everyone has something valuable to bring to the table and a story to tell
6. If you have different colored hair, people WILL stare, it’s ok.
7. eBay is never worth the headaches and hassle
8. I’ll never enjoy Snapchat 
9. Never underestimate the effect a small kindness can have on another being
10. Animals make everything better 


11. If you’re tired sleep, if you’re hungry eat, there’s no glory in running on fumes.
12. It’s ok to ask for what you want — don’t expect people to read your mind
13. You can be ANY version of masculine or feminine that suits you. 
--Gender ideals are lame and boring. 
14. Your parents are Humans who couldn't find their sole mate with an 
algorithm or text a therapist from their phone. -- Give them a break
15. Regret is useless.
16. So is guilt.
17. You did the best at the time with the information you had. 
-- Don’t be so hard on yourself.
18. Don’t skimp on sleep.
19. Money isn’t real.


20. Coffee is great, but don’t count out tea
21. Insecurity is expensive
22. Janeway is the best captain
23. The 80% Rule is pretty rad.
24. Time heals all wounds, but time with dogs speeds up the process. 
25. If you don’t respect your time’s  value, no one else will. 
26. There is ALWAYS enough time… when you’re a timelord.
27. Choosing love over justice brings a lovely unexpected freedom
28. Being true to yourself will always deliver the best results
29. The only way to be truly happy is to hang out in the present moment. 
30. 30 isn’t as scary as they make it out to be on TVs and Movies.
... Actually, I quite like it. 


If you took the time to read all of those, THANK YOU. I’m so thankful for this community of lovely folks, and honored to be able to share some birthday thoughts with the blockchain today.

We're celebrating all weekend and even more tomorrow so I'll have a post on our celebratory activities soon. ;)

Now, to crack open that bottle of rum and get into bed with more tea and cake!


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First of all... happy muh-freakin' birthdayyyy! Hope you have the greatest and most memorable one of them all.

You must have taken so much time to lay out all these nuggets of wisdom and let me just say, they are GOLD. I was originally going to comment with my favorites as you said things like "I'll never enjoy Snapchat" and "if you have (insert any unique body mod), people will stare and that's okay." But really, I like them all.

I've said it before and I have to say it again, we're such kindred spirits. Thanks for sharing this today, it was a delight to read these pleasant reminders and thoroughly great advice.

Thank you so much for such lovely birthday wishes @sharingeverybite! Really feeling the love, it’s been a favorite birthday weekend/week for sure, so thankful to be able to spend it with @teamhumble.

I did take a few days thinking about 30 important things to share. I’d have a few come to me rapid- fire and then blank- and I’m SURE I’m missing some big ones but I guess there’s always next year...

I’m so thankful to have found a fellow minimalist with an aversion to Snapchat like me here- this community is full of such great folks- I’m so glad we found eachother! Kindred spirits indeed <3

Yay! That's awesome to hear. :)

So I just had a slightly embarrassing and also kind of amazing realization. Now that you mentioned @teamhumble, I got a blast from the past. I think we met at #SteemFest 2!! You guys were the first Steemians we bumped into at the hotel in Lisbon. Did you already know/remember that?? Lol. @shenanigator and I were zombie tired at the time, so that's probably why I didn't connect the dots until right now. :P And hopefully that is you that I'm remembering or else this "realization" just got even more embarrassing.

Haha no worries! The whole of steemfest was such a blur of awesome! It was us for sure. I think you guys had been traveling for a week or so before you even got there, so the haze is totally understandable haha! Just wished we could have hung out more when we were on the same continent!

Lol thanks for understanding! And yes you are totally right. We came via night train from Madrid and it was not as comfortable as we had hoped. Anyway, hopefully we'll get another chance at the next SteemFest?? Not sure when or where it's going to be but Jordan and I will be there if it's at all possible!

Well.... we have a hunch it will be in austin texas where the new HQ is- honestly I can't wait it was such an awesome time, it really exceeded my expectations!

<3 Totally understand, travel can do crazy things to an otherwise sane mind!

yay! you go girl :)

Happy Birthday! Make it a memorial one.

It has been memorable for SURE! And we’re still celebrating- feeling so greatful <3

Happy Birthday, @dayleeo! Have a really great one! Hope you are spoiled rotten with love and gifts.

Thank you thank you @ceciastor so SO feeling both the analog AND digital love this week! <3

Happy Birthday Lovely! From a fellow 1988 baby :D

Love your birthday thoughts! Sounds like you are in a great place after 30 years of living, and that is most definitely worth celebrating! Have an amazing birthday weekend <3

Aah 1988 what a year. I feel so fortunate to have grown up “before” the digital age, but still young enough to want to be able to adopt it.

I feel like we’re one of the last generations that understands both-

I kinda can’t believe I’ve got 3 decades under my belt, in some ways I still feel like I’m in my early 20s- its been awesome so at and we’re still celebrating! Will be sharing todays adventures soon <3

I definitely agree. What a unique time in history we live in, especially in recent years, I really love that I'm alive at this time :)

And you continue to celebrate your heart out! Very happy for you, hugs <3

HUGS! Thank you my sweet @redrica! Your presence here is part of what makes Steemit such an awesome place <3

Will hopefully get to meet you finally, if we both manage to go to @lloyddavis's steemcamp :)

Yes! I hope we can make it happen! <3


I like #15 as I have many MANY regrets that I was never too concerned about but are now gnawing at me as I approach the big FOUR UUHHOOOHHHH

! Thank you @stav my Birthentines has been awesome so far! Try to be a bit easier on yourself, we’re all just trying to get by doing the best we can at any given moment. Sure heindsight is 20/20 but there’s much better ways to use that energy than reliving our regrets <3

yay! looking forward to tomorrow as well, i think your birthday is gonna last most of this week or at least until the 1st of march! ha! :) great post and gifs biza! :) x

Danka danka love! I can’t believe we made today happen! So stoked to be back exploring with you for birthdayzzzzzzzz :*

Happy birthday girl!!! ❤️ this!

Thank you my dear @polebird! <3

Happy birthday sister 😊

Thanks so much @alficharia

Happy birthday @dayleeo, hope you've had a great day and got spoilt! Hopefully meetup soon X
ps Picard is the best captain ever

Oh do we really want to go down THIS rabbit hole hahaha I didn’t think anyone could top Picard for YEARS, but Janeway is such a badass... Janeway as captain of the Enterprise’s crew would be the ultimate for me haha.

Thank you for the birthday wishes! Hoping we can get together soon as well <3

Hope you had a wonderful birthday- even though it was FREEZING today. Maybe you will get to do a bit of birthday snowman making this week too.

Haha I can’t tell you how many birthdays I’ve had showed out as a kid, I’m used to it- but i never thought it would be THIS cold in the UK and snow to boot!!? -maybe i brought the weather with me... my bad lol...

Still celebrating, with a little head cold but we’re keeping warm in coffee shops and our little space-heater is the little engine that could haha

Thank you for the birthday wishes my dear! <3

Here comes the snow!

haha we’re watching it as we speak from a cafe window... looking at eachother nervously every few moments- we’re about a 2 hours bus ride from base camp and we’re not keen on gettin stuck haha

I think you should start to make your way back, i keep checking the weather report every 2 minutes.

We made it out thank goodness, The snow just really started coming down as we were getting back- we were lucky on the timing, we have supplies and are ready to ride out this one for the next few days- crazy!

Happy birthday, lovely! <3 #17 brought tears to my eyes, I know, the Sun is in Pisces, Moon is in Cancer, can't blame myself.
Happy that you are enjoying the 30s, catch you up next year! This is my last year in the 20s :)
Hope your bday was as wonderful as you are! Glad I met you and and thankful for all the beautiful thoughts in this post and all the other beautiful things you share here with us daily.

Aww wish I could reach through the screen and give you a hug! That one has brought me a lot of freedom too, when I remember to apply it-I know what it's like to be impossibly hard on yourself at times.

Thank you for being such an awesome voice of support and positivity for me here on steemit, it makes the day to day easier knowing there are other smart, caring ladies fighting through their days as well.

I hope you're looking forward to joining me in the land of the 30's, I have to say it's pretty great! <3

Happy Birthday! lovely collection of lessons - some of which I am currently learning, as I am myself approaching 30 :)

I've found many awesome gals that have either just turned or will be 30 soon here on steemit! So thankful to have found you too @ruxandrasoare !

I read all of them and loved all of them! :)

Happy birthday Pisces sister!! 🦄

Thank you @connecteconomy! So appreciate your mystical pisces presence here on the blockchain- I'm gld you enjoyed my list, the weekend was lovely <3

I must agree with absolutely ALL of the above life lessons. Number 14 made me laugh.
Happy Belated Birthday Dayleeo!!! Hope that b-day rum was extra special

Ooh the Rum was lovely, and the whole weekend was perfect. Couldn't have asked for a thing more <3 haha the more I see my folks as just people, the better we get along, I can't imagine what I'd be like if I didn't have access to the wealth of info that I do on a daily basis- we sure are lucky <3

Feliz cumple!

There is some great wisdom to be found in these 30 lessons of yours. Which makes me wonder, have you ever read the Tao Te Ching?

Even if you haven't, it seems like you are already living your life according to some of its guidelines.

Keep up the good work. You seem to be doing fine :>)

Wow! Thank you @vinventnijman ! I'll certainly check it out, I've never heard of it but will definitely check it out :)