in bisexual •  6 years ago 

Now that you are past the tempestuous and conflicting stage of deciding whether to come out as bisexual, your journey has only begun. We live in the 21st Century, a time when people are more aware of and accepting as far as different sexual orientations are concerned. After coming out as bisexual, Will you enjoy the bisexual fun right now? Threesome Fun?

However, it takes roughly a century for a society to fully change its way of thinking; therefore, you are still likely to come across individuals who may not look so favorably on the real you. That's one of the main reasons you are reading this article – otherwise, people would just say, "Wow, Awesome – it's good to know that you are bisexual" and life goes on. But that isn't the case now, is it? So here are a couple of ideas to help you know what's in store for you and how to move forward.

1.Prioritize Security and Safety.

In the current society, coming out as bisexual, unfortunately, changes things because some people are still inclined to heterosexuality and perceive other sexual orientations as fallacies or unacceptable. Even your family and friends may treat you differently by alienating, disowning, or being violent toward you.

Utilize the knowledge you have about those who are aware of your sexual inclination and determine who are the safest people to be around. Expect that some people especially your family and friends will need some time to adjust to the true you. Some of them will eventually acknowledge, understand, and support you, while others even the ones you expected to be very understanding may never get past it. With time, you'll know who is who and you'll be in a better position to know those you are safest around.

2.It's the beginning of many beginnings.

Coming out as bisexual means that you are okay with letting anyone know about your sexual orientation; that you are liberated and no longer afraid of how others will perceive your sexual identity; that you have fully accepted who you are and are comfortable in your own skin.

Consequently, you'll find yourself explaining yourself to different people and societies, in different conditions and situations. Some people may suggest that you are gay and only using bisexuality as a cover-up. Moreover, the LGBTQ community is considered one of the most open-minded society, but surprisingly, even within that community, bisexuality is often stereotyped. Expect that you may find yourself acquainting assorted societies about your sexual orientation repeatedly.

3.Know Your Limits.

Since the current society is not accustomed to the different sexual orientations human beings are capable of, some people find those of other orientations – except heterosexuality – very fascinating. They become like scientists or journalists and may ask you very annoying or irrelevant questions.

Prepare in advance about the things you are willing to discuss as far as bisexuality is concerned. You don't have to talk about anything you are uncomfortable with. If someone oversteps their ground, dismiss them respectfully.

Nonetheless, you should know your rights in public, at the workplace, as a citizen, and as a human being. You should never be denied your rights based on your sexual identity and you have every right to fight for and demand what's rightfully yours.

4.Learn from those who've been where you are and where you're going.

Lastly but not least, find and join a community of either LGBTQ/ LGBT or one that's exclusively for bisexuals. If you are in school, inquire whether such a community is available. If none exists, try at the community level, like your state, city or town. If none exists, you'll definitely find one online.

This step is crucial because it will connect you to others like you. Any questions you have, someone will surely have the answer somewhere. Any challenges you are facing or will confront, you'll find someone who's already been through it with an effective solution. Above all, you won't be alone or lonely because you'll be among kindred spirits who'll shower you with all the love and support you need.

Liberation is the main idea about coming out as bisexual. In a perfect world, coming out is unnecessary because everyone would understand that human beings are diverse creatures with many shapes, forms, sizes, and preferences. But until the day the world will be mature enough to embrace and appreciate everyone for their own uniqueness, idiosyncrasies, preferences, characteristics, and personalities, let the above four concepts help you spread your wings and fly.2019-08-03_just-having-a-good-time.jpg

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