Bit Clave The first decentralized search engine.

in bit •  7 years ago 

Bitclave is a developing platform that will allow sellers and buyers to connect more easily. All parts of the ecosystem are rewarded in CAT for their participation. Users will be able to search for products or services and receive payment for it through a decentralized search system.

Bitclave is the first decentralized search engine. It offers a place to search on different platforms. We do this to provide the fastest of all available searches at this time. According to our speed test, the online search engine can significantly increase your browsing speed. Now, BetClave users can work on the Internet much faster than those using other search engines. In addition to all other convenience, Bitclave's feature also provides faster browsing while saving tabs.

Bitclave's platform is different from conventional marketing companies. BitClave is a great platform for business owners and customers. In addition to giving them more money, it also offers other advantages. This decentralized ecosystem will connect you directly with the consumer. This system excludes intermediaries. Therefore, you don't need to spend money to pay for them. With this system, you can customize your promotions and offers and deliver them to customers who have decided to join the service.


  1. The BitClave platform provides the elimination of the intermediary between business and customers.
  2. BitClave has a more focused approach to promotions
  3. BitClave creates an ecosystem where the customer can choose what he wants to see and can opt for advertising or analysis by retailers through smart contracts and can also earn money.
  4. Create a win-win situation for both, as customers who are really interested? are looking at the promotions and a correct segment is being targeted for companies.

Advantages for sellers
  • Pay directly for results
  • Marketing costs are reduced
  • Segments are directed correctly
Consumer benefits
  • Monetary gains
  • He has control over your personal information (transactions are anonymous until the customer decides otherwise)
  • The overall cost is also reduced for the customer for the product/services.

The Solution to the Problem

Problems faced by consumers and producers in the advertising industry. The advertising business costs 550 billion dollars. Dominant players or intermediaries in this business pay a lot, and they do not guarantee whether the actions will lead to the right audience. Middlman, for example, Google Facebook, etc. D. In this connection, the company should spend a lot of money on advertising and ultimately the burden is up to the customer, because he has to pay more. Offline and online events are not directed to the desired section for which the products or services are intended, and as a result fall into a segment that is not interested in these advertisements or promotions. In addition, companies such as Google and Facebook track every customer activity, that is, monitoring customer confidentiality.

For smartphone users, blocking online ads in browsers can significantly reduce the cost of using several additional services. Bitclave is known for its decentralized search engine technology, which really helps you find what you are looking for and what interests you. Create unnecessary and unnecessary third-party advertising networks in the past. BitClave supports the world's most secure and successful private database, so you can rest assured that your data is protected. And unlike advertising content, we don't make money with your data. 

Time to buy a new car? You took a vacation and are now ready to enjoy a wonderful trip. You go to the Bitlave application, search for the car of your dreams and decide to exchange data with a particular provider. By keywords they offer you something you can't resist. Regardless of whether you accept the seller's offer, you will receive a token from each of them.


 Q1 2017:

Build a joint team and develop the original idea)

Q2 2017:

Marketing and development team 

Create the first draft

Q3 2017:

Initial Preview 

Internal testing of alpha version

 Signature of initial partners and clients

 Issuance of intelligent contracts 

Alpha principle and first customers 

The start of the crowdaming campaign 

4T 2017:

End of crowbanding campaign

 Distribution of tokens 

Stock exchange listing 

Launch of beta version of the product Partnership with scalable chains

Q1 2018:

Enhanced anonymity and classification system in cooperation with the open source CMU SDK 

Create an ecosystem with the participation of the developer community 

Q3 2018:

Affiliate solutions for vertical solutions: job search, retail and car search, real estate search Partners and signatory customers 

Q1 2019:

Scalability Integration with a scalable file system

 Search Optimization.


The main feature of the ecosystem will be BitClave CAT (Activity Token Client - Customer ID activity). CAT - is Ethereum based on token, which will come from the customer's business and will be used for payment of compensation in the system. This prize will be awarded to people who are participants in the creation of data in the form of currency tokens. 

 In BitClave-space clients at the same time searching and obtaining. In the ecosystem, they offer a variety of support services that can be monitored and integrate offline resources.

CAT will also be used to facilitate the implementation of smart contracts in which customers will pay retailers for product demos, and then customers can be exchanged later for CAT brands or coupons. The Google Analytics user experience can be set up on platforms and tokens sold for CAT. The CAT block diagram is in the alpha development stage to be deployed, which will include core network functions as well as specific business applications. The first version of MVP will be available sometime in late August or early September.

The maximum number of tokens supplied is 2,000,000,000,000. This software does not allow changes in the number of tokens that are implemented after a smart contract is applied to the network.

The maximum amount of Tokens CAT available for purchase is 1,000,000,000. 


Community: 10%  

Equipment: 10  

Long-term budget: 30%.  

Fundraising: 50 per cent  

Initial public offering launched on July 25 (pre ICO) and through which it can be included in the project and support this phenomenal project and, in return, win a token. After the ICO begins, it will be carried out and the usual initial public offering.


 Alex Bessonov - Director 

GeneralPatrick Tague - CTO

Emmanuel Owusu - Chief Architect

Vasily Trofimchuk - Project Management

Yan Michalevsky - Security Architect

Andrey Shashlov - Lead Developer

Eugene Kaganovich - Data Architect

Mark Shwartzman - Data Scientist

Danny Yang - Blockchain Advisor

Min H. Kim - Community Advisor

Gerald Beuchelt - Governance Advisor

Kevin Doerr - Strategy Advisor

Balaji Ganesan - Data Privacy Advisor

Charlie Liu - Technology Advisor

George Totev - Risk Advisor

Brad Gaynor - Science Advisor 

Links of Interest

 Official website:


BitcoinTalk: ?? topic = 2.030.152,0 php





Slack: http: // slack-bitclave -com. herokuapp. com/ 



 bitcointalk user: Criptosistema         


Myetherwallet: 0x3975b136662e638b49d0F9f54cBd9bF9c456a755       

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Excellent way to link the buyer with the seller without intermediaries.