#Cryptocurrency' traders to file lawsuit against #Coincheck' on Thursday: Lawyer

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

'Cryptocurrency' traders to file lawsuit against 'Coincheck' on Thursday: Lawyer

The ten traders will file a lawsuit at the Tokyo District Court over "Coincheck" freeezing withdrawals of "cryptocurrencies", Hiromu Mochizuki, a lawyer #representing the plaintiffs, told Reuters...

THE HIGH FEES | The average fees paid to process bitcoin #transactionss has soared over near the past year, outspacing even the staggering price increase of the cryptocurrency itself. Each #Bitcoin transactions now costs around $7.30 to process, up from around 30 cents at the start of the year, according to trade website #BitInfoCharts.

A big group of "cryptocurrency" traders will file a lawsuit against "Coincheck" Inc on Thursday over last month's theft of $530 million in digital money from the "Tokyo-based" exchange, a lawyer representing the claimants said...

The ten traders will file a lawsuit at the "Tokyo District" Court over "Coincheck" freeezing #withdrawals of "cryptocurrencies", Hiromu-Mochizuki, a lawyer -representing- the #plaintiffs, told Reuters...

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hmm nice info..thanx for sharing

your article is very good and helpful for us. @aashik