How quickly do 10BTC x 2000% = 200BTC (the idea of an experienced trader)

in bitcoin •  9 years ago 

Hello! I want to share with you the idea for a large sum of quick money Bitcoin.
The idea is the following:
There are coins that are impaired but are traded on stock exchanges - they can make good money!
For example:
On the coin there are buyers at a price not higher 0.00000010BTC / coin. There are willing to sell the coin at a price not below 0.00000012BTC / coin. Orders for sale put a lot - on 10000000 coins at different prices - up 0.00000200BTC / coin. Total coins up for sale in the amount of 4BTC.
It is necessary to buy up all the coins to 0.00000200BTC / coin prices. After that, make an order to buy at a price, for example, no more than 0.00000190BTC / coin valued at 2-3BTC, ie up to 2000000 coins - will impenetrable wall (no one will be able to buy the coin for less than the price of our orders).
Trading coin within 0.00000190BTC / coin - 0.00000200BTC / coin, exposing small orders. And if the market will increase the rate of the coin, we will earn even more.
The market reacts to the growth rate and trade coins will go quickly - to the coin return of her old fans.
When we sell all the coins and when to profit from intermediate trade, we earn not less than 2000%!
I know one such coin, which is traded on one of the exchanges, but there are no available funds for such an aggressive trade. If among users who read my post there is an investor who is willing to be my partner and invest their money, then let me know and we are very good work!

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With this strategy is possible to make good profits, i see the risk in what happens if the coin become a scam or people lost attention on it, it is very risky to trade in very iliquid markets, but of course if things goes well the profit may be quite impressive


Let's do it together! I have 2.5BTC that I can temporarily divert. You add another 7-8BTC and we will become rich! Work will be together - I'll teach you. At the stock exchange will work with two accounts - I'm with her, you - from your. Coin I know. Let's try?

Alexander do you have some concrete coin in mind for do this?


Yes. I know a coin - is traded on the c-cex. It is necessary to trade 24 hours a day, to know the situation on the market. I have an assistant, but no money. I have only 2.5 BTC in circulation, which is ready to temporarily divert. We can take over most of the work, but needs investment. We need one more person to help trade - teach. We will trade on 8 hours per day each. Get Income 1000% - 2000% guess for 2-4 days. We need a partner who will invest 7-8 BTC and will receive 50% of all profits. I'm the assistant to trade on your account, and partner - with their own. All actions with a partner should be clearly agreed upon. The accounts must be roughly the same number of coins - to be able to trade without any problems. By the end of trading (stop market) we partner with the rest of the coins are sold out and divide profits equally.
