Deeply intelligent information here produced by Chronos Crypto.
One thing I am certain of is people become attached to names.
And it's hard to reorient one's self after one has become a bitcoin enthusiast.
But it may be, at least according to the smartest people I can find,
that bitcoin cash is superior to bitcoin and will eventually become the new bitcoin.
A reversal may be happening soon.
Because people don't like paying fees, nor do they like waiting eternities for transactions to execute.
The better technology must always prevail.
I love the part about bitcoin cash staying positively aligned with Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision.
Do not believe in anything. Entertain all, but believe, attach yourself to, nothing.
Do that, and changing your mind almost on the fly about what you believe to be wise investments shall be painless,
because you're not attached to the merely prospective success of any one particular crypto.
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