Alright, alright, alright! Bitcoin Gold is coming and the official freeze happens on 10/25. This does not mean that the token – Bitcoin Gold (BTG) – will be made available on this day. The freeze will allow the BTG devs to put a reliable structure in place and finalize software tweaks before releasing the token to the masses. But you should get ready now, because once the token is released, early November-ish, you want to be able to do what you please with your new tokens - like selling right away, sending them to a friend or HODL! Here's a checklist:
- Set up an account with an exchange that will trade BTG
This only applies if your exchange does not and will not support BTG, please check your exchange’s website.
There are a few exchanges that have signaled support for BTG and they include a few big, well-known ones, such as Bittrex and HitBTC.
- Set up a wallet that will allow you to claim your BTG
This only applies if your current wallet does not and will not support BTG, please check your wallet’s website.
Again not all wallets, like exchanges, will support BTG from the get-go, but that doesn’t mean you can’t sign up for one and be ready once the tokens are released. There are a few android/mobile wallets supporting BTG such as Coinnomi.
- Find a block explorer for BTG
This is very important, because you want to be able to confirm your ‘claim’ and make sure your eventual BTG wallet is on the network and that your tokens actually get verified on BTG’s blockchain. Can’t trust any software these days, so verify all your transactions!
This was a quick post and my first one; this post makes quite a few assumptions and is not meant to be a thorough guide on claiming your BTG. Happy claiming!
** For a full list of wallets and exchanges, go to BTG’s site