RE: Bitcoin Movements Ahead on the Way to the Moon

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Bitcoin Movements Ahead on the Way to the Moon

in bitcoin •  5 years ago 

I’ve added another summary on Quora, which I decided to quote here also:

Let’s say Craig Wright is Satoshi or at least has the private keys to the billion-dollar trust. Should I sell my BTC because the price will drop once it is public or once Kleinmann gets his share and BSV is now the next thing?

My answer will seem maddening and shockingly conspiratorial, resembling F.U.D.. Your knee-jerk reaction may be to reject my answer out-of-hand based on typical filters for not wasting time assimilating outlandish, nonsense.

Yet if you dig into my 2.5+ years of archives on this subject and all my related blogs, you’ll presumably understand that I might be one of the top experts in the world on this topic (sorry not trying to brag but seriously).

  1. I posit that Craig Wright isn’t Satoshi, but he’s being used by the creators of Bitcoin as sort of circus clown for obfuscation of their diabolical plan.

  2. Ostensibly Bitcoin was created to replace the U.S. dollar as a world reserve currency asset in a two-tiered currency system[1]not to be a transactional coin for the masses. IOW, everyone except $billionaires and $trillionaires will be kicked off of Bitcoin onto to a permissioned, not trustless 666 enslavement coin for the masses such as Facebook’s Libra or competitors. My recent blog Bitcoin Fractal Projects an Infinite Price, contains some elaboration (and links into my relevant, more comprehensive archives).

  3. “Satoshi” (i.e. our evil-echelon global masters behind-the-curtain who invented the soon-to-be “666”[2] Bitcoin) hodls the private keys to the 1.1 million Bitcoins — the so called “Tulip Trust”. They can presumably dump them to accomplish the following diabolical plan, pinning it on Craig-the-fall-guy-clown. Whilst Craig can claim he was forced to sell, to meet his obligations for the court case he surreptitiously filed against himself, lol.

  4. Note Craig will not be selling legacy Bitcoin — rather selling the worthless Bitcoin Core airdrop on the exchanges after surreptitiously forking the chain. The posited timing is to be at the halving event on May 14, 2020. And they need to skyrocket the Bitcoin price before this (c.f. my blog Bitcoin Movements Ahead on the Way to the Moon), so that when they crash Bitcoin Core then it will only mine a new block perhaps once a week or month, thus forcing all the miners to switch over to legacy Bitcoin (not BSV!). Readers need to understand that Bitcoin Core (which everyone thinks is the “official” Bitcoin) is actually a soft-fork impostor. In blockchain protocols, there’s no such thing as “official” or user-consensus. There’s only the longest-chain, game theory such as Nash equilibriums with Schelling points, and miner economic incentives. You need to read my relevant archives to understand why my statements are likely to be the correct assimilation of the facts.

  5. BSV is not legacy Bitcoin. Please do not confuse the two. The latter is Satoshi’s immutable protocol which forms the real Bitcoin which will be the global reserve currency asset with immutable 1MB block sizes (not scalable to high transaction volume).

  6. Everyone hodling Bitcoin Core (i.e. addresses beginning with 3 or bc1 instead of legacy that begins with 1 ) will see their tokens drop to near $0 after the posited Segwit donations attack begins, if the “attack”[3] transpires as posited.

  7. All inane, novice objections have already be refuted in the long discussion/debate I participated in about this on

  8. Legacy Bitcoin eventually rises to an infinite price relative to the eventual death of the U.S. dollar if posited attack transpires. $100k is likely in 2020 and possibly an acceleration to even $1 million because as I blogged in Precisely Why Bitcoin Is Re-accelerating, the value of Bitcoin is according to the stock-to-flows model (as I explained in my blog Secrets of Bitcoin’s Dystopian Valuation Model), driven by the cost of mining but the cost rises to the value of the mining reward which will be increased from 12.5 BTC to some 100s or 1000s of BTC donations per block!

P.S. Everything has been archived such as on and/or Wayback Machine (where possible even though for example, permissioned, non-trustless Quora attempts to block archiving presumably so they can control the narrative and exclusivity…which is why we need decentralized solutions on scalable, decentralized blockchains if possible).

[1] Sometime after 2026 – 2032, as the dollar will grow stronger interim due to an economic contagion beginning outside the U.S.A. (due to politics and rising level natural calamities due to the dearth of sunspots aka Maunder Minimum, which impacts tectonics and climate thus plagues, locusts, etc.) which has started to go parabolic since January 18.

[2] The likely meaning of “666” is submission to the will (2/3 quorum) of the super-majority in politics, governance, mass mania, etc.. Refer to Matthew 22:21, 1 Samuel 8, John 15:19 and Revelation 18:4. Whereas, Romans 13:1 appears to be an integral part of the 666 system (perhaps a corrupted translation instituted by Constantine?).

[3] It’s actually a clever game theory mechanism “Satoshi” appears to have designed into Bitcoin to protect its immutability so that it can remain permissionless, trustless. Whereas after Core is forced to hardfork Bitcoin Coin to lower the difficulty after the attack begins to siphon away all the miners to legacy, then it will be clear the Core is not permissionless, trustless but actually controlled by Core (and politics, etc).

Disclaimer: This is not investing advice. This is for your entertainment. Consult your own professional (perhaps licensed) investment adviser. I am not responsible for any decisions to make after reading my post.

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