Another Cryptocurrency Risk: Inbuilt Backdoors Into The Hardware Of US-Manufactured Computers. Countermeasures?

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Oh, it can't be so easy, can it? Just buy bitcoin, kickback and become a multimillionaire as the dollar vanishes to zero!

Just as I was about to sell the farm on that hope, I come across this little piece suggesting that the crypto currencies and the block chain technology are a trap dreamed up, not by an anonymous Japanese gentleman named Satoshi Nakomoto, but more probably by a committee of NSA nerds.

A ghost, “named” Satoshi Nakamoto developed bitcoin – no one knows if this is a person, a tadpole, a group of people, a space alien or an NSA/CIA operative, but, it is accepted, on blind-faith, that it is a person, a man of Japanese origin. A ghost, “named” Satoshi Nakamoto developed bitcoin – no one knows if this is a person, a tadpole, a group of people, a space alien or an NSA/CIA operative, but, it is accepted, on blind-faith, that it is a person, a man of Japanese origin. This story, which is akin to a fairy-tale because it is only a story since no one has ever seen this “person” or provided any photographic evidence or any published works outside of the bitcoin illusion. I am suppose to believe “he” gave us the keys to the kingdom that will “save us from the banksters”. Is this the story that I am suppose to believe and place my families wealth and security in this mechanism? Seriously?

The author effectively plunges me back into the vortex of doubt. Yes, it is fishy. Yes, there do seem to be too many coincidences...

Never mind the fact the NSA, in conjunction with MIT, produced a white paper in 1996, spelling out how an anonymous cryptographic currency could circumvent the current cash system. This was a full 12 years ahead of Sat-on-sushi’s white paper explaining bitcoin. Never mind the fact, as The Daily Economist pointed out, Sat-on-sushi’s white paper just happened to hit the wire during the 2008-2009 economic meltdown, actually being released on Halloween 2008. Personally, I gave up on coincidences decades ago.

If the reader is thinking about getting into the cryptos, he or she would do well to read this piece. It evokes some of my questions in an earlier post

and raises a new one: Do the elite have control of the hardware that forms the worldwide web? Can they simply shut it off on their own initiative? Wikileaks revelations have shown that all US-manufactured computers have a backdoor built into the hardware itself, not dependent on the software, so that the NSA/CIA can easily walk into any US resident's computer without having to bother about passwords. If the elites have managed that, then they can probably shut down bitcoin or any other crypto currency whenever they want. The crypto currencies may just be the last wicked deceit to destroy all other currencies but their own; quite a brilliant scheme, I hate to admit.

What sort of countermeasure can be made against these inbuilt gateways into all computers? Probably none except to get ourselves hardware that can be piece-wise and individually certified not to have such backdoors. What will that take? Each man designs and builds his own hardware? Or perhaps when 3-d printing becomes sufficiently advanced, we can each use publicly available computer designs (open to inspection publicly, ergo, known to be backdoor-free) to 3-d print his own computer? That may still be many years into the future.

Here is the article:

And there can be no doubt that the elites want to crush the cryptos:

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