So Who Thinks Bitcoin Is Fucked?

in bitcoin •  5 years ago 

I think it’s being manipulated completely at this point. Saw the drop and wanted to see what my old Steem punks thought?
I’ve been outta crypto totally for a few months but I still ❤️ Ya’ll

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Bitcoin is Bitcoin. It's just doing what it does. Maybe you're watching too much TV?

Or maybe I’m paying attention to no new users joining abd or ur going from $3200 to $14,000 just from spoof trading and wash trading.

It was pretty much overvalued to begin with, don’t let the numbers and hype from normies get to you!

This is what a natural market looks like, stocks, bonds and other traditional assets are zombies inflated by unlimited printed capital and propped up!

The problem lies there as people see that as a baseline