Kraken: Split Personality?

in bitcoin โ€ขย  7 years agoย 

And the fail of the day goes to...

Kraken Exchange ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐Ÿ™Œ


So I wonder whether they're going to support BGOLD in the end or no?

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ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย (edited)

They said "later", who knowss ... but i have to admit that i never understood why it's possible to delay it somehow ... It means that they are just adding the market ? And if not, they're kind of making money on their clients not giving us the equivalent in forked coin ?

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Hi ,
Thanks for the great content