You might have heard about bitcoin or cryptocurrency, the stories of people making ridiculous amounts of money by investing in it, countries adopting it as legal tender, and mentioned as one of the best ways to fight inflation. However, you've also probably heard that Bitcoin is incredibly volatile and risky meaning that it fluctuates in price quite regularly. This probably scares you away from understanding when it's the right time to buy Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a digital asset that is compared to Digital Gold, why? Because there will ALWAYS ONLY BE 21 MILLION BITCOIN. Never more, possibly less Why invest in the first place?
Well, it is a great way of hedging against FIAT especially in times of inflation as we currently experiencing. FIAT is constantly losing value which is the reason why cryptocurrency was invented in the first place, to create a BETTER financial system that protects the capital and wealth of its users.
Assets like Bitcoin go through different cycles - A Bull Market, where the trend of the asset is generally in an uptrend ( gaining value) and a Bear Market, where the trend of the asset is generally in a downtrend ( losing value).
Currently, Bitcoin is in a Bear Market and has actually been so since 2021. History has shown that these periods are usually the best times to buy Bitcoin as it will eventually rise to higher prices to guarantee the best return on your investment.
Where to Buy?
2. use code: U-91822