Now I Understand and don't afraid of Bitcoin Fork will create more bitcoin 终于理解为啥分叉不会导致多印比特币steemCreated with Sketch.

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 


At the beginning I was thinking if bitcoin can folk again and again that will create infinite BTC just like fiat.
even I bet on BTC and still worried about it.

Thanks to a Podcast Now I understand
if you fork BTC you create an Alt coin.
the newly created Alt coin won't have same value as BTC

But when government print fiat, the new fiat have the exactly same value as the old one in your pocket.
So nothing to worry about :)

之前我虽然还是在买入 但是一直提心吊胆 因为这个问题一直挥之不去。
知道后来我听了一个 Podcast 才知道我的理解是错误的

分叉出来的 是 Alt Coin (也就是有人说的山寨币)这个和 政府印钱不是一回事
政府多发一个100个人民币 的价值和你口袋里 100人民币的价值 是等价的。
而分叉出来的山寨币 的价值和比特币比还是差很远的,比特币还是比特币
不会因为 分叉而出现 千千万万个比特币。

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