Bitcoin Low Transaction fees $16 to move $50 ?

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

So if you caught the" Bitcoin Wave UP", Had Deep Pockets, or used Bitcoin for Large Institutional transactions the fees are nominal. For the "unbanked" and even the average Joe/Jill the cost is exorbitant . So what happens when you Grow to cater to those who can pay you the most for your service and neglect the average Joe that formed a base/platform to grow and perfect your "Coin" ; One or two Big Chunks cash out causes a snowball of volatility .
Other than editing all of those videos touting the low cost to transfer funds via Bitcoin to May be somewhat less expensive; I have no answer to this problem.
Perhaps it's to a point where the amount of wealth cashed out is enough to abandon the cause and leave it to the next lesser coin and perhaps even to join them on their "Wave Up". What Say You/rsz_canstockphoto46776074.jpg

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