Bitcoin Vs. Ripple: Which is a Better Investment?

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

In light of bitcoin's extreme volatility of late, where more than $6,000 in coin value was lost in the span of a month, those looking to invest in digital currencies or altcoins are looking for the next big thing. In the last year, many of bitcoin's would-be competitors have stolen market share from bitcoin, with the trend unlikely to change in 2018.

As part of a continuing series, we will compare bitcoin with the coins that are seeking to displace bitcoin as king of the hill. In this article, we will be looking at Ripple.

For a time, Ripple surpassed Ethereum as the second-largest altcoin by capitalization. While a surge in Ether price helped Ethereum to regain second-place, the excitement surrounding the remittance, payment, and settlement (RPS) solution is still palpable, especially in light of more banks signing on to the Ripple protocol.

Tales of the Tape (as of January 28, 2018)

Bitcoin Ripple
Purpose of coin Proof-of-concept for altcoin model; digital currency Transaction fee-marker for blockchain-enabled remittance, payment, and settlement system
Governance Decentralized; overseen by not-for-profit foundation; decisions determined by a democratic vote among nodes and miners Owned and run by a private company; decisions determined by amendment process where changes must have consistent support of 80 percent of the network's servers for at least two weeks to pass
Number of coins 21 million; 16.83 million mined 100 billion/38,739,142,811 in circulation (XRPs, when used in the system to pay for transaction fees, are destroyed, so the number of actual XRPs will continuously decrease. XRPs are pre-mined, with the company holding 62 percent of the XRP supply in reserve.)
Market capitalization (as of January 28, 2018) $198.37 billion $55.19 billion
Obstacles to success Changes notoriously difficult to achieve; slow transaction times; high transaction fees Refusal or resistance by the financial industry to abandon industry-standard SWIFT
Transaction time (average) 1,570 minutes (one day, two hours, and ten minutes); seven-days high: 11,453 minutes (seven days, 22 hours, 53 minutes); current transaction fee: $9.824; transactions expedited by paying miners Four seconds (Ripple can process transactions without needing to   record the transaction to the blockchain in real-time.) Current transaction fee: less than one cent.
Reason for success As the first digital currency, there is a sense that bitcoin must succeed for the industry to succeed. With many of bitcoin's "imitator" coins being tied to bitcoin in an irrevocable way, there is a "we all succeed or we all fail" mentality currently in place. The cross-border payment system that is currently in place is dysfunctional, with slow, lost, or shrunken payments being forced to be accepted. With some feeling that SWIFT cannot adapt quickly enough to meet the challenge, some are embracing Ripple as a way to reform a broken system.

Understanding Ripple

If a person living in the United States wanted to send a payment to, say, South Africa, he or she would go to a money transmitter, like Western Union. Western Union would then send that payment through its network of cross-border payment vendors. Each of these vendors would require a fee for their service, would process the transaction on their own time, use their own vendors to process the transaction, and communicate with their successor vendor in their own style. Western Union would have to monitor the transaction through this complicated maze of handlers, knowing that there is a possibility that not all of the payment may make it to South Africa, or worse, the payment may disappear entirely - with Western Union having little recourse, but still being obligated to pay off the payment. Even in the best of conditions, the process took hours or days to complete.

This reality makes it difficult to conduct transnational business in an increasingly globalized world. While blockchain is not the only answer to solving this problem (the industry leader, SWIFT, is handling this by upgrading its messaging system, making tracking simpler), blockchain-technology could theoretically make processing a cross-border payment as easy as sending an email.

XRP is a specialized altcoin, and its only monetary value is to pay for the transaction costs of using the Ripple network. However, as XRP does have a clear purpose, can be amended relatively easily, and has been designed to quickly accommodate large numbers of transactions cheaply, XRP may be a more attractive long-term investment than bitcoin. 

However, due to the specialized nature of XRP, it can also be argued that comparing XRP and bitcoin is as unfair as comparing apples and oranges. Some would argue that XRP is not an altcoin at all, as it is controlled by its company. It is reasonable to think that the successes of one may not reflect or distract from the successes of the other. However, only time will tell.

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I'm hesitant to hold Ripple as a long-term investment. I'll be happy to be it around the bottoms and sell it at the tops, but the fact that the company could dump the coin, or companies can decide to use only the technology makes Ripple too high of a risk for me as a long-term investment.

I have to agree with you on this one my friend!!!!

Why would the companies use XRP coin, if coin price is too high? These are the banks, trying to shave fractions of a penny. Avoiding XRP is less expensive for them. Why wouldn't they take the less expensive path?

I'm agreeing with you. But pushing your point further. Anyone that says XRP is a good investment needs to answer the questions I asked.

Good question. I'll try to give some of my thoughts on this as an XRP investor:
The main purpose that banks want to use XRP is for fast, international payments. One of the major goals would be an alternative to traditional payment systems like SWIFT. The coin price does not matter for this purpose as FIAT A (e.g. USD) would be immediately converted to XRP and back to FIAT B (e.g. EUR). The process would take a few seconds. A recent test between a Canadian bank and a German one took 8 seconds, compared to the few days/weeks it would take for traditional international transfer. This would solve the liquidity issues that banks face as currently they need to hold vast amounts of FIAT currency all over the world.

While this does not require banks/organisations to buy or hold any XRP at all, the vast majority would want to hold some for the transfer process to work as smoothly as possible. More adoption by banks would lead to both higher market cap and a better case for other payment processes (e.g. international business payments with market FX rate).

Pretty sure that either the Ripple CEO or chief cryptographer explained this in an article somewhere.

im very confussed, but good information

good info

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well I would say Bitcoin is the best long term investment. People are talking about that flippening thing, but I think that in the final moments of this thing, when Ethereum will be almost there, Bitcoin will show off who dominates the market and probably new ATH will happen. That's just my thoughs though. I ain't no an expert :-P Nice article by the way, here's my upvote!

Good explanation! Keep it up!

I hope that mentality of "Bitcoin needing to survive for the other altcoins to survive" fades away and we realize the technology that exists in these amazing altcoins on the rise... I am one of the few fans of Ripple!

I agree. Ripple did crash recently but I believe this is a healthy correction. XRP correction is ahead than btc. I would expect it will start to rise by March. For short term investment, it's a good buy for now. But we can always stay certain positions as part of our long term portfolio. I'm a holding both BTC and Ripple. Comparing the two is like comparing banana with apple. I'm a strong holder of ripple too!

Yeah I agree with you... I need to stop being such a hater of Bitcoin and get some now on the dip because your right it could be a great short term/long term investment. I also agree that March will look much better for the market overall.

Ripple is interesting but recently has crashed so much.
What did happen in that instance? Pump up to 3.50 dollars a unit and then dump? Is it even possible with a market volume like that?

The ripple is boycotted! A currency of the big banks. Has nothing to do with the basics of the BTC!
XRP Central

I like bitcoin better thats just me, but ripple isn't decentralized and that just goes against what crypto stands for in my eyes lets get out of the banks and be the banks for are selfs but great post thanks for the info

Ripplee ✌️✌️

most reviews say that ripple is controlled more by banks and this is against the decentralization of crypto which is in my opinion is the most important advantage of cryptocoins

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I believe in Bitcoin and the other major coins such as ethereum and lite coin. However, I want to try argue the point of why Ripple is a good investment. One it's price is quite low making it fairly inexpensive. It's been around since nearly the very beginning making it an OG (original coin). The coin is solving a massive problem and being in the banking sector. I do see this on a day to day basis. If someone is trying to wire a payment overseas it costs minimum $30 (plus the funds get lost potentially). This is super expensive, frustrating, slow processing times and idiotic. Ripple looks to be partnering with banks and majority of well established banks in westernised countries are developing blockchain. This means if they can't buy out the likes of Bitcoin they will develop the tech themselves or partner up with a Ripple. It's working with the top 100 banks globally. Processing times with Ripples system will make payments virtually instantaneous. Therefore, the speed increases massively and the price will be 10x cheaper. A lot of people will like using Ripple because its centralised and works with Banks adding a security factor for the mainstream adoption to occur. Plus without getting political here if the banks are getting on board so are the governments, which means therefore the media will back this cryptocurrency. Increasing it's use and popularity as they want it to beat bitcoin. My only issue is the market circulation, but there is hope that they will burn some tokens and also get added to a exchange such as coinbase.

I agree. Ripple did crash recently but I believe this crash is a healthy correction. I think XRP correction is ahead than btc. I would expect it will start to rise by March. For short term investment, it's a good buy for now. But we can always stay certain positions as part of our long term portfolio. I'm a holding both BTC and Ripple. Comparing the two is like comparing banana with apple.

xrp_total view.png

Definetly Ripple will be pass Bitcoin in terms of faster speed, lower cost and higher scalability