The FUD Is Real This Week

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 


While bitcoin recently was above $8,000 news spread about the DELAY yes a DELAY not a rejection of ETFs. Which IDK about you but bitcoin has been doing plenty fine without any ETF help. There where no ETFs or discussion about them really until late December and then WHAM the price dropped. But it dropped not all that much when you look at the history of bitcoin.

In the history of bitcoin this is a rather normal drop and swings use to be much heavier then what we are seeing right now. But all you hear from news is FUD this and FUD that.

The ETF delay was totally blown out of puportion and now some trash talkers who are rich as saying bitcoin is dead.

Uh didn't we have a massive campaign of bitcoin being dead back in 2016 when the price was like $200. Here we sit today where the price is holding well above $5,000!!! WTF people if bitcoin is dead at $5,000 hell ever $1,000 you must be smoking something way to much.

So now that you see news articles yet again saying "very sick" "Pain is not over" "death of bitcoin" of course the prices are going to drop. But when some positive news comes out which there is plenty of bitcoin will soar to new highs and your most likely going to be kicking yourself in the butt.

You see to me trading 101 says take all emotion out of it. But I like to do one better that has worked for me at least.

When everyone else is painting doom and gloom and all is going to end that's the perfect time to buy and hold long.

Now of course this is not professional advice this is my own opinion and you should do your own research or seek professional advice before investing Legal bs lol


Image above was found from which i loved because it shows just a few of the big times people said bitcoin was dead.

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You gotta remember plenty of the people saying Bitcoin is dead are random people on twitter with no creditability. Sometimes you've just got to ignore them.

Also, what is the copyright in that image? It's perfect for times like today and I'd love to use it myself if it is CC.

As they say, “be greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy.”. Great way to sum it up.

Amen to that :D

Stay positive, take a good beer and Steem on. ;)

Wish I knew where the bottom is gonna be on this, what a great bargain price, anyone that thinks their bit coin is dead I’ll take them off their hands :) :) upvoted!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

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