Why Did The Markets Crash Today ?

in bitcoin •  6 years ago 

Because Shit Happens 💩 🤣


But seriously though I couldn't find a damn thing online about the markets today and why they where crashing. Besides the fact of every news outlet reporting that bitcoin will be the death of the world and in fact change the climate to a point we will never return from. WTF...

Seriously is this what is driving markets now lol I thought I have seen everything but please tell me I am not missing some bigger news story about why crypto crashed today.

Granted yes bitcoin sucks up a ton in resources which pumps out heat and also sucks up power galore and honestly something should be done about that. But I do have a feeling that within the next few years not only will mining crypto change to make it a more even playing field but also if you look back through history when their is a will there is a way. That includes being able to produce more power, cheaply and non damaging to the environment in which we will.

If anything perhaps bitcoin will be the change and drive the change to start using better more robust renewable fuels instead of using oil, coal etc which honestly we can't move fast enough away from.

Global change now blamed on crypto now ive seen everything lol.


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Necessity is the mother of invention as it always has been and always will be. The demand for more power will spur new technology advancements in solar and modern nuclear power that would not have been achieved as quickly without the high power demand caused by Bitcoin. Clearly, the fake news lemmings can't fathom the truth, which is Bitcoin mining energy consumption is the catalyst that will lead to the technology that will allow humans to overcome global climate change. Bitcoin will save the world!!!!

I think the lack of volume is pushing short sellers to pressure the price downwards was the next trend is decided. I also think that the overall financial markets are influencing a more “risk-off” trade.

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