Financial Privacy Should Be A Basic Human Right.

in bitcoin •  4 years ago 

The FBI is probing whether foreign governments, groups or individuals funded Capitol rioters using Bitcoin, says report - As tension & hardship around the globe exacerbates, more people will disobey government. Generally speaking, minus a miniscule minority, most humans are good people. People will generally only take their passion to the streets if they feel wronged or taken advantage of. They will generally only become upset when they feel injustice. Most are just unaware of the root cause of their distain - it's the money. Money is fuel for government & political power. It's the main reason for most of the issues in the world today.

When I read articles like this all I'm seeing is the government attempting to ban free speech. Bitcoin is a currency. Currency is a form of communication. Bitcoin is free speech. This article is attempting to once again highlight, that Bitcoin is used for criminal activity. People are buying Bitcoin as form of anarchy, however without chaos or entropy. When I see the price rise a few thousand dollars in a day, I struggle to sit still. I'm so bullish on people taking back their own liberty & power. The FBI conducting these types of activities is just wasteful to tax payers & unethical to society. Honestly I'm glad people are disobeying, the system is built on a scam & more people are realizing it. It sucks that people have lost their lives during these protests, hence why I'm a big advocate for Bitcoin - you can protest peacefully from home. The more sats we stack, the more honest they will have to become. Bitcoin is a syringe of truth serum to the state.

Politicians/bureaucrats are always harping on about financial privacy; how it enables criminals - money laundering, counterfeiting, extortion, theft, drugs, terrorism etc. Governments have a monopoly on all crimes; they commit these on a daily basis. The more power you have, the more your crimes are swept under the rug & normalized. This political system incentivizes the worst kind of criminals. Governments are breaking natural law; unwritten human laws forged into our DNA. They want to take your privacy for fear, control & maximum taxation. You're being told inflation is 2-3% annually, when in reality it's 10x that. If you're not getting a 20% pay rise or earning 20% on your asset per year, you're losing wealth. Your working harder & and getting less in return. You're on a treadmill that gets faster by the day; eventually you will fall flat on your face. Wealth is your freedom. Freedom is your happiness. They're going to raise taxation in many sly forms to service all this new debt. If you want a future, I highly suggest you start acquiring Bitcoin.

Take back your privacy with your Bitcoin & daily online activities - it's your right. Cyber warfare will be the main stage for a new kind of violence. Governments are forcing us to lower our guard through dangerous regulations like KYC/AML; they want a backdoor to our life - encrypt all personal conversions you have (Ditch WhatsApp & get Signal ASAP). Bitcoin & privacy are your main defenses going forward. I sound like I'm wearing a tin foil hat, but it's happening right in front of your eyes whether you like it or not.

We are entering a new turning of societal events; hopefully one that doesn't involve wars. I'm personally hoping: whatever evil is headed our way, it can be significantly prevented by Bitcoin. A financial system is blossoming on the sideline for anyone who wants to join in. In the last major wars, the people have never had such a powerful tool. Wars are started by government money & power; innocent people get dragged into harm's way due to a group of self-centered egotistical narcissists. Bitcoin cannot be weaponized or monopolized, it is your greatest tool when shit hits the fan. Bitcoin is humanity's chance to hit the reset button & start again. A world based on Bitcoin will drastically improve on todays one. Bitcoin is based on Austrian Economics. Keynesian economics is the reason the money is so broken. Understand both (it's not overly complicated) & you'll see why Bitcoin is 100% the way forward. The book: The Bitcoin Standard does a great job to illustrate this.

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politicians/bureaucrats are always harping on about financial privacy; how it enables criminals - money laundering, counterfeiting, extortion, theft, drugs, terrorism etc.