The Global Debt Bubble Is The Real Pandemic, Bitcoin Is The Cure.

in bitcoin •  4 years ago 

I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist by any means - more a seeker of truth, however it's becoming a common trend for governments to label any citizen as such if they aren't aligned with their views. We live in a world where a group of people are making the big decisions - a setup for failure from the beginning. Even if they all had the best intentions (which they clearly don't), humans are still prone to error by design. I always trigger people when I tell them COVID is a scam. Let me be clear, COVID is a real virus & unfortunately real people are dying - this isn't the issue. It's the response & how they plan to move forward. It's what they're not telling you. It's the perspective of the entire situation. The numbers & severity are clearly exaggerated. The unfortunate truth is: people die from sickness all the time. The actual death rate is nowhere close to what they're making you believe.

If they don't spread enough fear, how do they get anyone's attention? These lock downs have been responsible for a massive part of the death & suffering. Business closures, School closures, job losses, Domestic violence, Mental Health, Suicide, Malnutrition - list goes on & on. The trades-off are clearly not worth the benefits. This is because it's more about control than actually saving people. They are anti-choice & anti-freedom. They are forcing a vaccine onto people. Many doctors around the world with half a brain (who aren't corrupted by big pharma) will tell you vitamin D alone prevents death in most cases. They never advise you to take a supplement so readily available - no profit. If you want the vaccine because you're worried it'll kill you & you trust your government wholeheartedly - take it. Don't force your views onto others.

At the same time as a global pandemic, we have world leaders coming together making alliances in a global effort to fix the main problem at hand - the money. They are promoting slogans such "Build Back Better" or "The Great Rest" (Both create a sense of security however are quite the opposite). Both these options will require you to comply on a whole new level. If they are able to pull it off, we are entering an era of complete totalitarianism that has never been exercised before. Personally It's not a world I want to live in, hence why I'm trying to do my part here.

The problem is: they don't actually plan to fix the money, they plan to put measures in place to make sure the system continues to benefit THEM. Trusting government at this point to me is just allowing them to destroy your future. The main issue in the world today is this political system, which is mostly dominated by the bankers. The suits & ties of the world are committing the greatest crimes against humanity. This much should be obvious to you. At least, you should be able to see how power corrupts. How does this relate to COVID? The last couple of years have been incredibly tense between world leaders; China one of the main players. To put quite simply - all the debt in the world leads back to China. Money & power run this world; they are the main trigger points for war. Prior to COVID there was a lot of speculation the world was going to war because of friction with China & America in the Pacific Ocean. This is what I think happened: we went to war. A biological war created by China. A designer virus created to bring the entire world economy to a stand still.

In the book 'The Sovereign Individual' they actually speculated in the late 90's that this would eventually happen. A pandemic would come for a variety of reasons, mainly to prevent citizens leaving their jurisdiction for control & taxation. I think China did it for 2 main reasons: population control & as a weapon to gain global power. In this day & age any physical war would see the end of the world, so that immediately cancels that option. What's the point of having power if everyone is dead? In this day & age, the 2 most effective forms of warfare to me are cyber & biological. For example, you can use the internet & technology as a weapon to take out the entire energy grid of a city. Biological, well I think it's COVID. These types of warfare provide the best returns to violence.

The main reason any of these wars occur is the money. Governments have access to the back pocket of their citizens at a moment's notice. Generally when someone spends someone else's money there's zero appreciation or care. No effort or work require to generate it. This is tax, inflation, debt etc. Every single action governments make is a cost. Every dollar they spend, requires a dollar of taxation to cover it. It's just a matter of how they decide to extract it from you. Do they tell you in your tax breakdown or do they just print it behind your back.

Enter Bitcoin - the era that ends all tyranny. Bitcoin in itself is a idea powerful enough to overturn government - it needs to happen now more than ever. It's technology empowers individuals on a whole new level - It provides freedom in the form of self-sovereignty. We are all slaves to the system; most are just unaware of it. We are working more & our currency is buying less. They want you to work forever. This isn't a good life. This monetary systems was built to extract wealth from you. Over the last year, Bitcoin's risk of failure has continued to fall. Not on an economical or technological level, but a political. Elon Musk (richest man in the world) has recently announced his support. Supporting Bitcoin means you're expecting the dollar to collapse. Now that we have large businesses, banks, institutions, billionaires etc there's big money defending it. I wouldn't expect them to come for the individual Bitcoiners largely because they would have to go through the big boys first. Let's be honest, they would just push back. They are now incentivized to defend it. I think the price is pretty pointless however it's only early days - it's going to go so much higher. An unstoppable movement towards better money is already underway. Bitcoin is a vote to end bad money.

Sure governments are going to fight back (overbearing regulations/taxes) back, but they're playing a game that's already won. When the entire world jumps to Bitcoin, they cannot print more of it & use it as a revenue stream. Their funding will drop immensely, leading to less power & authority. If they try to bump up the obvious taxes, they're going to have to deal with angry citizens. They have to be careful how they approach this going forward; more people continue to fall below the poverty line directly due to the inequality of the money. There's an entire financial system waiting to be utilized on the sideline. Hopefully, it will prevent wars & save lives. I'm both hopeful & a little nervous how things will play out in the intermediary. Governments will no doubt respond to Bitcoin with a knee-jerk reaction that may be incredibly forceful & cunning. In the end, I'm confident we win. The age of the internet is just too powerful to police. It is far too costly to enforce as there are no fixed borders or jurisdictions.

Fear will only work so long. The death spiral of debt is no myth, it's math. When this thing collapses, it's going to cause far more real world issues than COVID. The more they print to try fix the issues they created (they can't & won't stop), the more people will suffer. Eventually everyone will have no choice but to use Bitcoin if they want to survive. Might as well jump ship earlier rather than later; you will most likely be rewarded handsomely in doing so. Fasten your seat belts. We're going to stack sats to freedom. Fix the money, Fix the world.

Interested to hear thoughts/opinions on the matter. Merely a seeker of truth as I said.

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