Benefits of the real Bitcoin! Curious Bcash promo, Bgold, Litecoin, do not conform

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Bitcoin will get you Bcash, 2x, Bgold, and Bitcore. Bcash will get you no crypto-dividends unless someone tries to fork it for some reason. Bitmain is giving a Bcash discount. The Bgold Twitter account is active and you can ask it questions. I talk more about conformity and success.

Bgold Twitter-
Bitmain Bcash (bottom of page)-
Mish FUD-
Andy Hoffman-
Local Bitcoins-
Used car-
Wednesday's show
Thursday's show Where Bgold was brought up!
Birth of the Crypto-dividend

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BitcoinMeister information:

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ETC: 0xb28CD007E0495b34BA6030859030322b7bE8422B

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good post

got my ass handed to me.. alt-coins I am getting killed at. Sticking with only one for now.. STEEM ;)

Bitcoin buy and hold. Earn Steem, convert to BTC, do not buy Steem.

man, so much going on with bitcoin. i guess well have to see what's worth investing in

Bitcoin is.