in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

After a month of skywire launching its testnet, the first reward for every whitelisted participant in the Skywire testnet have been sent and deposited in owner’s private wallet in the last 2 days.
The reward structure is for participants who are running official and DIY skyminers for the skywire testnet.
These rewards will be distributed on a monthly basis for skyminer nodes whether official or DIY throughout the testnet period as long as your miner achieves a minimum duration of 75% uptime for a given month.

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As testnet is an ongoing process, reward amounts and payout dates are subject to change month-by-month as the network grows and testnet progresses. The community will be kept up to date throughout the entire testnet phase.

Rewards for June (which was the first ) were given for official miners and a DIY with up to 8 nodes even if you were running them at the same location, which as you can imagine is not very useful.
You will continue to receive rewards for both, but there is a mandatory change that needs to be done as it was initially intended to work that way:

For those with 2 skyminers , Skywire needs you to relocate either the official or the DIY skyminer to continue to receive rewards; your miners need to have different IP's.

As you all know Skywire is building a meshnetwork and the more the nodes of the network are spread out, the better the coverage and future reliability.
Everyone will get 1 week to transfer their skyminer, keep in mind that this overlaps with the threshold to reach the 75% uptime requirement.

The initial reward structure for whitelisted miners was distributed as follows:

DIY Skyminers earned 6 SKY per node with a maximum of 8 nodes per unit, meaning that custom-built miners earned between 6 to 48 SKY per month.

Official Skyminers were rewarded at a flat rate of 96 SKY per month (Yours truly was a beneficiary of this and got like a million coinhours in addition. The coinhours you get may vary depending from what store your skycoin was distributed from).

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Skyminer nodes, whether official or DIY, must achieve a minimum duration of 75% uptime for a given month to be eligible to receive reward payment for that month. As long as this threshold is met, the full reward amount for that qualified month is earned.

The link below shows the coins that were distributed to various skyminer owners via the explorer

Presently Skywire has over 7,700 nodes running all over the world and you can check if your node is amongst those by visiting

You can check how long your miner has been running from this unofficial uptime tracker at

A lot of participants have asked questions as to why they have not received their rewards. Be rest assured you will receive your rewards if your miner is whitelisted .

As I write, a software is been is been written to automate the whitelisting and reward payout.

For skywire to reach world level adoption, we need a lot of nodes running and I do not think we have reached critical mass yet so don’t despair. Be patient.

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Official miners are whitelisted by default, as long as the owner has sent in the required information. DIY miners are selectively whitelisted, on a first-come-first-served basis, if they meet the appropriate specifications. Email confirmations are currently going out to whitelisted miners for the testnet. Whitelisting will continue over the coming weeks with more spots opening up soon, so stay tuned to be notified for eligibility.

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DIY Skyminers will be reviewed manually and approved weekly (50 per week) following the completion of the whitelisting process for the Official Skyminers.
DIY Skyminers will be allowed to join the whitelist based on the benchmark set by the Official Skyminer’s hardware configuration. DIY Skyminers will be required to provide detailed specifications and photos, submitted to the corresponding team for review. Qualified DIY Skyminers will be added into the testnet whitelist.

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The rate of Whitelisting new DIY miners will gradually increase in the future with the development of skywire.

What Is The Purpose Of The Skywire Testnet?

The operation of the testnet will serve as a sophisticated pre-launch program for skywire upcoming mainnet by stress-testing the network, solidifying the economic model, and ensuring that nodes operate according to protocol.

Several goals are meant to be accomplished with the Skywire Public Testnet.
The testnet will be split into several phases.
The version running today is the internal version of the testnet, aimed to validate its function and performance. The coming revision will publicize the network, as well as establish a fair economic model reward mechanism for running nodes. This will be based upon analysis of node utilization during testing. This testing will provide skycoin valuable information to design a robust mathematical model for the mainnet so that all nodes on the mainnet will be automatically incentivized under a fair economic model.
In summary, the operation of the testnet will serve as a sophisticated pre-launch program for skycoin’s upcoming mainnet by stress-testing the network, solidifying the economic model, and ensuring that nodes operate according to protocol.


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Skywire is one of the major components of the skycoin ecosystem.
It’s the new Decentralized Internet, a wireless mesh network that pays you for supporting it.

Skywire  is  a cheaper, faster, democratized Internet, free from prying eyes and bad actors.
Skywire is the dawning of a new era with the advancement of Internet 3.0.

Skywire is a mesh network, meaning that it is comprised of thousands of nodes in diverse geographic locations, all connected to each other to transmit Internet traffic. This network of nodes creates a spider web effect, such that when one node goes down, the other nodes continue to operate as if nothing happened. This is a truly decentralized, fairly distributed and more resilient Internet protocol. Mesh networks operate differently than traditional centralized networks and present an opportunity to make necessary and long overdue changes to the global Internet infrastructure
Using Skywire as a network backbone, consumers will have a better alternative for access to and control of the Internet. Skywire will cost pennies on the dollar compared to current methods of getting bandwidth, without any type of locked-in contract commitment. The rate you pay will never spike, as it will remain tied to the amount of bandwidth you need and consume. In fact, with the Coin Hours mechanism of the Skycoin platform, you may never have to pay a single cent out of pocket for access to the network

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Skywire offers true value for Skycoin, where the commodity that backs Skycoin is Internet bandwidth, file storage, and computational power. Through Skycoin’s Coin Hours mechanism, these resources will be available through the Skycoin ecosystem. Skycoin’s value will be guaranteed when these commodities grow in value and volume as we shift to a more directly connected world. Bandwidth will be the primary commodity of Skywire. Added value will come from multiple commodity-backed projects, like precious minerals and physical goods, running on the Skywire backbone shortly after launch, and growing as adoption rises.

There is no network attack capable of striking the foundation of Skyminers being distributed around the globe. Not even a state of complete physical disaster and limited connectivity, like many parts of the world, still faces today, will be able to bring down the fully decentralized mesh network when Skywire’s final foundations are complete, as there are no centralized points of failure like we have with ISPs.
Skycoin will leverage the indestructible nature of Skywire to build the most reliable distributed application service network on Earth, enabling the blockchain’s innovations with decentralization to free us from the chains that bind.

Mesh networks have been tried in the past and have failed. The critical and common flaw in all current Internet alternatives has been the lack of incentive for the user and for the operators of the network. These alternative networks are run by unpaid volunteers who provide valuable resources and receive nothing in return for their effort. This creates an unsustainable model as it means that the network is propped up purely by the wallets of the unpaid volunteers keeping it running.
Skywire solves this problem with its embedded payment protocol. With this protocol, every node effectively acts as a micro-ISP capable of automatic metering, billing, and settlement.


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With the successful launch of the skywire testnet, Skycoin has been making a lot of in-route in their marketing department.
New team members have been recruited to cover the European countries from the Scandinavian down to western Russia .

Some team members are also been relocated to Thailand and Singapore two of the largest crypto communities in South East Asia. These members will also cover India educating and publicizing quickly and efficiently the utilities of skycoin.

Synth was a special Guest at the APAC Blockchain Summit in Hong Kong


This summit is organized by Hong Kong Science Park, HBCC Investment, and Molecular Group, and co-organized by Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, Tusmaker Global Network, CollinStar Capital and China Fortune Holdings. It aims to gather worldwide top blockchain experts, companies, investors and startups under the support of these organizers. With the unique advantages of Hong Kong as an international and multi-cultural city, the summit also aspires to attract global blockchain startups to build their offices in Hong Kong and enhancing APAC blockchain development in the bay area to enter into the new innovative era.

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During his speech, he told them about the History of skycoin, the reason why it was created and latest development with the project .

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He also wowed the audience when he showed them the new skyminers, motorized antennae and customized hardware wallets and routers designed to enhance the performance of the skycoin project .
It also served as a recruitment ground for some interns who are presently undergoing training with skycoin .

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Skycoin is now listed on at coinswitch - a cryptocurrency rate aggregator that collects data from some of the leading crypto exchanges .

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This is also using the opportunity to send special thanks to the incredible Skycoin community especially the developers at skywire who have been very helpful and patient with community members as they helped them to solve various problems related to setting up the miners and all questions related to skywire.

Special mention must go to @mrhodlr, @asxtree @paperstream and all the technical committee members of the skywire project.

The payment for having your nodes on your skyminer basically guarantees you an income by just plugging in your skyminer while you sleep. This reminds me of the famous saying of one of the best investors in the world .


For all question concerning skywire join the telegram @

Find out more at
Buy skycoin directly from the website @
Buy from the exchanges @ Binance, Cryptopia BitRabbit, C2CX, ChaoEX
sign for skyminer waiting list @
Learn to build your own skyminer @

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Spectacular job once again! Did you get one of those gold miners? If so, I'm jealous. Already got my payout for June and very excited about the future!
Is there a link for Synth's presentation in China? Many thanks for your hard work and dedication to this!

Great post. I like skycoin project. Can't wait for the mainnet in the coming months