in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Revolutionary technology takes a long time to build and we are largely still at the infrastructural phase. This means 95 per cent of the current crypto projects will probably fail. The tech bubble was the same way. The companies that died in the late 90’s paved way for the explosion of technology we have seen in the last 2 decades .
Companies need to build a foundational layer in order for future applications to succeed .
After 7 years of innovative and constant development, Skycoin project made the most audacious announcement today in the cryptospace.

They announced the launch of one of their backbone project the Skywire testnet will go live on May 22nd 2018 which is precisely 6 days from today .


Skywire is the decentralized mesh network that will serve as the foundation of new Internet .

Skywire is the new decentralized Internet. A wireless mesh network that pays you for supporting it .
Skywire takes control from ISPs and puts it back into the hands of users where it belongs. With Skywire, there are no huge bills and unfair business practices. It’s a self-sufficient network, 100% owned and maintained by the user community.

Skywire was developed to address problems with the Internet itself. There are many attack points especially for governments since they have large control over the infrastructure. But also large ISPs are pretty bad to their customers. All of these problems are due to the centralization of the Internet.

Skyminer is hardware component of skyward with computing power, network and storage capabilities. Based on the obelisk algorithm, traffic is forwarded and stored in the Skywire network, providing data transmission routing and implementing node accounting functions . The work of the node is achieved through Skyminer.


Using Skywire will be free, but users can pay nodes in the network for forwarding their traffic, to receive better bandwidth and priority service. This provides long-term demand for Skycoins. Initially, the Skycoin Project will use some of the undistributed coins to subsidize operators of nodes on the Skywire network, to get it going. Over time, the subsidy will be replaced by users drawn to the network for the applications that run over Skywire.

The Skycoin blockchain and the Skywire network are able to stand on their own without the other, but mutually benefit together. Skywire provides a utility purpose for Skycoins, and Skycoin provides a financial incentive to expand the Skywire network.

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Skywire uses blockchain technology to create a peer-to-peer community-driven market for Internet service. It’s fast, private, and secure. Best of all, it puts the user first.
With Skywire, you benefit directly from your contributions to the network. Users can earn coins for running hardware nodes and providing bandwidth and storage. You can then spend your coins by consuming media or other network resources. This system makes Skywire self-sustaining and independent: the more you use it, the more robust the network becomes. Skywire is an incentivized mesh network.
Skywire is built for users, by users. Unlike networks under corporate ISPs, the community makes decisions on Skywire. Nodes function based on a web-of-trust system. Malicious nodes can be cut off by collective agreement, and trustworthy nodes strengthened. Web-of-trust consensus makes Skywire immune to attacks, exploitation, and manipulation. It creates a system where everyone has a say.
Skywire is faster and more secure than other Internet alternatives. It’s encrypted and private, which means that you can’t be tracked as you browse. It doesn’t suffer from throttling and other service outages that you get with large ISPs. Instead of paying $150 per month to be tracked by the telecom monopoly, Skywire users get Internet service that protects their privacy.

The FCC’s failure to promote net neutrality means that large ISPs will continue to tighten their grip until they achieve a stranglehold over Internet experience. Fees will rise. Throttling, censorship, and manipulation could become the norm. Users will have less power than they’ve ever had as their browsing data, privacy, and individuality is bought and sold by corporations looking for a profit.
Sky wire will protect net neutrality at the hardware level, by taking control of network hardware from the ISPs and putting it the hands of the community. Its peer-to-peer network proves that we don’t have relied on corporate ISPs. Together, we can reinvent the Internet with Skywire: a user-powered network that’s free and open to all.

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You go online, but you can only see a small set of pre-approved websites backed by a single corporate ISP. You want to stream a movie, but you can’t afford the bandwidth. You look for the movie on another service, but you can’t legally access it because your ISP bans you. Free sites now have an access charge. Other sites are blocked and vanish from search results. You can’t find your friend’s blog or contact the small business down the street. Your ISP collects your data and monitors your actions online, controlling everything you see and how you see it – and you can’t do a thing about it.

The Skywire network proves that we don’t need to rely on ISPs to explore the Internet. Skywire’s protocol and custom-built hardware provides a global, decentralized network that’s fair and user-centric. With this network, the Skywire community can defeat the FCC’s planned rollback of net neutrality and bring the Internet back to you and other users where it belongs
Skywire utilizes skyminer a hardware backbone designed by skycoin project to provide an unbreakable decentralized Internet. A plug and play device for providing bandwidth, storage and CPU power and getting paid for it .
The beauty is it consumes the same energy that your cell phone will .

The purpose of the skywire testnet is serve as a sophisticated pre-launch program for our upcoming mainnet by stress-testing the network, solidifying the economic model, and ensuring that nodes operate according to protocol.


Skycoin has shipped out over 600 miners all over the world and have also given the opportunity to the skycoin community to build their own DIY miners .

All of the official Skyminers that have shipped will be able to participate in the Skywire testnet .

If you haven’t built your Official Skyminer yet, see the Skyminer FAQ the Official Skyminer Build Manual and the Official Skyminer Build Video for help.

If you built your own unofficial Skyminer, rest assured that DIY models can also be whitelisted and will be able to participate shortly after the official Skyminers go online .

In the coming days rules and application form for Skywire whitelisting and testnet rewards will be released .
There will also be release of new images with the formal Skywire release version on the website and Github .
Installation guides for the software applications required to run the testnet will also be released at this period .


The announcement has attracted the attention of the whole world. Other crypto projects and enthusiast who are currently showcasing their products at the current consensus project wanted to learn more about skywire been the only crypto project that has produced its own hardware the skyminer .
It is also gathering a lot of media attention, which culminated in coindesk, and NASDAQ TV interviewing the business manager to fins out more about Skywire and skyminer the hardware for skywire at the world biggest blockchain conference #concensus2018.
Interview with NASDAQ TV can be seen below

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The skyminer the hardware component of sky wire was cynosure of all eyes at the Consensus conference as most other project wanted to be educated on its capabilities , functions and usefulness in propelling the new internet .


The Skycoin founders are excited to see the creativity and ingenuity of everyone taking part in the Skycoin project and are giving out 3 skyminers and 1337 skycoins to the winner of a skycoin video competition. Link below

There are more than 1,500 cryptocurrency projects listed on the free market, and even more operating behind closed doors. Most of them offer nothing unique, have no means to execute their vision, and have their market value made up out of hot air and speculation

Skywire offers true value for Skycoin, where the commodity that backs Skycoin is Internet bandwidth, file storage, and computational power.

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A lot of people come into the cryptospace trying to get a good life and cap it up with buying a lambo but a lot are left beaten so badly by an angry “Rambo “.
You may have missed bitcoin but here is another glorious opportunity to make a better life for yourself. Do yourself a favour and do some research and don’t miss the train
It has been a steady road to the top and surely you are rest assured that you are buying into a coin that will be left standing when the remaining 95 per cent fall by the way side.
Over 95% of the markets in altcoins are shitcoin pump and dumps. With zero software developers (no github), no blockchain (ERC20 tokens) and no future.
This is not a vaporware.

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This is coin that started by selling at 1 cent and has been around for 7 years.
It has got to where it is today without been listed at a major exchange
99% of crypto will disappear in a puff of smoke; the 1% that remains will change the world
Skycoin belong to that 1%. What are you waiting for?
A lot of people have doubted whether skywire can pull off what it promises. The skyminers all over the world are already flashing their green lights and I will leave you with the slide below.


Impossible is nothing when you are dealing with pure geniuses we have as developers in the skycoin team.


Are you ready?

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Enjoy this short video of the development of skycoin

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I'm giddy. I have friends been helping me along getting this setup and after having seen it joined the wait-list for a miner themselves!! Mine is up and rdy to go, just waiting for the new images to drop. Good shit!!