Is money real?

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Did you know if you lived in countries such as Denmark, Japan, Sweden, and Switzerland you would have to pay the bank to hold your money in their vaults?

Yes, you read that right.

In those countries, YOU WOULD HAVE TO PAY the bank to hold your money!

Economists and Gov’t in those countries have decided for you that a negative interest rate policy, known as NIRP, is good for you. They believe a negative interest rate encourages you to spend, thereby, stimulating the economy.

In turn, the gov’t is telling you that saving and investing is bad and that they know how to use YOUR money better than you do.


Without saving and investing great companies would not be built.

Without saving and investing real estate portfolios would not be building real wealth for generations to come.

Without saving and investing you will be working ‘til the day you die because consuming is not the path to financial freedom.

Saving and investing is.

That is why here at, TheStreets, we want to keep you in the know when it comes to building financial freedom because you know what is best for you unlike what governments would like you to believe.

And believe it or not, this situation of government deciding what is best for your money is being played out right here in the United States too.

We live in a country where our central bank believes inflation is good, that we should be paying more for goods because that is considered “economic progress”. Well, that might have been good if our wages were keeping up with inflation but that is not the case.

According to, Economic Policy Institute, an independent nonprofit think-tank that researches the impact of economic trends in the US “hourly wages of the vast majority have lagged far behind economic wide productivity” making the vast majority of people struggle to keep up to pay for everyday goods.

Think rent.



It’s almost laughable that people behind the scenes have decided for us on how our money should be used.

But what if that doesn’t have to be the case…

What if we didn’t have to rely on government or policy makers for our money?

If we can’t trust government or policy makers, what can we trust?

The solution is simple: cryptocurrencies. And the best place to start is bitcoin.

Here’s why…

You need to find a way to protect yourself so that you’re not relying solely on vulnerable paper currency.

Bitcoin isn’t owned by any government or any bank. And it has a fixed supply. Politicians and economists can’t inflate it away.
It’s just money. But better.

The world is waking up to this fact. And as it does, money is going to going to flow out of the old, corrupt government system and into cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin's vs US Dollar in 2017

Bitcoin vs. USD.png
Source: PalmBeach Group & YCharts

In fact, it’s already happening. Just look at the chart below.

As you can see, the smart money is flowing into the future, bitcoin.

The trend is just getting started, and it might be time for you to get one foot in the door, and protect yourself from the cronies of government...

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I could not even imagine having to pay the bank to hold my money..

Maybe one day we will not have to pay anybody money to hold "our money" as currency becomes decentralized... @marketanalysis