Daily: Coinbase Reverses, WannaCry Withdraws, Ethereum Sharding

in bitcoin •  8 years ago 

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Boxmining Daily Aug 4th:
0:52 Market Recap
3:05 More Exchanges add Bitcoin Cash (Coinbase)
4:08 Wanna Cry Hackers shapeshift to Monero
5:09 Ethereum Sharding with Python?
6:19 China Spotlight: Let's fork again!
Upcoming: Finwise
7:13 Upgrade Time


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Hmm so Coinbase did reverse on their decision. I think it's the right decision but I already sold my BCC for Bitcoin. Bitcoin is King.

Another great video from you! Always check it on Youtube.

Win Free SBD here!


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Can you do a video explaining how to extract Bitcoin Cash from Electrum wallet? Thanks and great video!!

i woudl love to be i realised i don't have an electrum wallet with bitcoin cash. opps :P

Thank you for yet another informative video :) It's good to see that the red days in crypto world are gone, things are looking good.

Great video ! :) Thanks for the information very useful !


Great video,

Just traded my btc out of Coinbase... ahh timing! I like the idea of neo but .net development is in decline. JavaScript is eating the web and it's the most popular language by far.

Did you develop a lisp overnight, or is the audio just fucked up on this video... or is it just me?

not sure. audio has been very funny recently. been trying hard to fix it

thank you BRO another good video

I really like your videos, especially your views on the chinese market and how they see crypto. Just watched Bobby Lee and Da Hongfei interviews, nice job!

Thanks for the updates! I really enjoy your videos.

great video!!!:)


I would love to hear some more information about extracting Bitcoincash from the Jaxx wallet please.
And thank you again for another easily digestible and informative video. 😃

muy bueno e informativo, reportaje debemos todos informar asi gracias

Hi Michael, thank you for your interesting and educational video's! I am An newbee in cryptoland and I have learned a lot from your video's.
I was wondering why BCH is 50$ cheaper at Bitfinex than at Knaken? Is it because Bitfinex is in Asia? Or is it because of the hack that has been there?
Thx in advance for your reply and I hope you keep making these videos

its because of market fluctations and difficulties in arbitrage.

Thanks for the informative post Michael.

I sure hope those hackers get caught with Shapeshift's help.

Great Video, Great Content. Upvoted and Followed.

Can you upgrade an Electrum Wallet to pull out BCH?

Many Thanks!