Daily: Verge hit by Timestamp hack (Again) / SEC targets ICOs (Again)

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Latest Verge drama is in, a hacker managed to hack Verge and gain 35 million Verge coin for free. SEC targets ICOs again with new notice that targets "sweeping ICOs"
1:05 Verge Hack
3:59 SEC Sweeping target on ICOs
5:25 China's National TV is FUDing crypto

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Wow, 35 million?? I wonder if Verge can even recover

Not great news for XVG holders. Verge is an asset that needs to demonstrate its capabilities to execute on its partnerships and technology in order to gain value. From prices it seems they have not been able to do either and could continue to underperform. This is an example of what could continue to happened to hyped projects if they fail to deliver on their roadmaps.

Yep. Shit coins and projects that are not fundamentally backed will collapse in value. Tron could be the next big one to fail. 99% hyped up with no real product or service.

The US Securities and Exchange Commission is pursuing a broad investigation into ICOs, one in which numerous subpoenas and requests for information have been issued to a number of blockchain startups, according to The Wall Street Journal. The SEC apparently wants insight into the moving parts that comprise both the ICO and the pre-sale leading up to the public crowdsale.

Hi Mikel!

Thanks a lot for this informative video and your insights.

Seems like someone wants to secure his lifetime membership on PornHub with that Verge attack. 😂

Electronic currencies have become very outrageous and a truly unique investment
Well posted, my friend a great article and a very nice video

Charlie Lee isn't really helping with posts like these lol I think he's just taking the piss about the pornhub transactions being reversed 😂 https://twitter.com/SatoshiLite/status/999027979891044352

thought the xvg crew had this issue resolved from their last timestamp hack...

I am the only one calling for this here...look out below fellas for the best buy you will get in the next few years probably


up and down up and down..same shit. just a new day. but a be sad if its them same price in 5 years. so a dont care now.. the verge hacker need to renew their subscription at pornhub. :)