Ledger 1.4.1 Upgrade Tutorial

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Ledger Nano S 1.4.1 Firmware Upgrade has been released. This huge upgrade allows the addition of up to 18 coins on the Nano S. Make sure you back up your device.
WARNING: Upgrading firmware involves certain risks an could potentially break the device - Make sure you read the instructions official guide https://support.ledgerwallet.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001340473. If you're running on firmware 1.3 or older, this upgrade will fully reset your device. Make sure you backup your coins / transfer them out.
I'm not responsible for device failures / lost coins.

Time Stamps
0:19 Reasons to upgrade
0:48 Caution with the update
1:44 Update installation walkthrough
5:01 Checking out the update features

Ledger Manager: https://www.ledgerwallet.com/apps
Official Firmware Upgrade Guide: https://support.ledgerwallet.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001340473
Ledger Documentation https://www.ledgerwallet.com/cryptocurrencies

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Ha, my Ledger Nano S is still in the box it came in. If my crypto holdings continue to decline, it won't be worth my time learning how to activate it and put all my coins and tokens there.

Just HODL and stay strong!

Thanks... it's all we can hope for. I'm sure this big bump in the road will smooth out eventually.

thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you so much for showing how to upgrade the ledger wallet. This is a great update but can be harsh on devices which are less-powerful.

Yea lighter devices have a hard time with the update ! Thanks for the comment .

Thanks for sharng this update , thanks for sharing with video keep it up

Thank you for your comments and watching our videos!

Just fair warning, there has been a few bricked devices during this update. It took me a long time to get mine updated. I had to remove all apps and reinstalling them took a few tries each.

Really made me consider switching to Trezor

Yea it can be a bit finicky ! Thanks for watching !

a did the update yesterday no problems fast and easy but nice you put all the warning up there. I read how to do it very thoroughly on the official website

Thanks for watching !

Great project, thanks for sharing

Thanks for watching !

It's not fair to like just for you. 😂

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thansk for sharing . you can read my step by step how to How to update my Ledger Nano S with the firmware 1.4


Good work!

Your tutorial is very helpfull. That’s pretty interesting they were able to increase the # of apps to up to 18. That’s a great step forward. Your presentations was very easy to understand. I wish it was so easy with emotions involved, I mean what if my computer stops working while update is in process. Recently my pc windows 10 started updating without any warning, it just shut down.

Hope you did not Brick it !

No, not at all. I was just working on something.

My favorite alts still not there so i will stick to just hodling bitcoin :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

i prefer paper wallets over hardware wallets. but thanks for sharing :)

Thanks a lot for the tutorial!

I really love my ledger even more now. 😅✌

Thank you for this demonstration. With so many recent hacks in the crypto world, I've been too scared to even use my nano. I feel a bit more secure now that Nano has updated the Ledger S. I'll upgrade and I guess keep my fingers crossed.

Great post i like it

I just got my Ledger Nano S last month, and was a little disappointed that I could only fit 3 apps on there. This makes me much happier with the device. Looking forward to support for more coins, I know there are a few in the works already.


Thanks for the update!

Im glad they finally did this.

Side note: what microphone do you use to make your videos?

Thanks for the tutorial!

If I update my ledger but want to reset the private key later, will I have to update the device again afterwards?