in bitcoin •  7 years ago 


The Swamp is slowly being revealed to us. So far we have reason to believe the Obama Administration has participated in Treasonous activities. For eight years they sold influence and access, as well as our future. Our children's future. How many $Trillions$ of dollars are unaccounted for now. Trillions of dollars the corrupt asshole political class expect our future work to repay. Expect our children to work to repay. This is unacceptable.

We have reason to suspect a large percentage of these missing $Trillions$ have gone towards secret research and technology that are still being hidden from us. Technology which would drastically improve our lives is we had access to. We also have reason to suspect these missing $Trillions$ have gone towards such despicable things as covering up Human Trafficking crimes and other perversions of the political class. This is unacceptable.

This is a failure of Government, and should be treated as such. The truth of what has occurred must be fully revealed before any American government can begin to build confidence again. Our culture has been fractured by the political class and their societal manipulation which spans decades. If I am being honest, I think it's possible that this country and our Culture has been so fractured it may never cohere as a unified country again.

Maybe States begin to reassert their rights and take back their land which has been nationalized over the years. Maybe even the states break up and form smaller political bodies. If this can happen without mass violence and civil war it may be a good thing. After all, the further away governance is from those being governed the easier it is to become corrupt.

Over a century ago the world went through The Industrial Revolution and our ways of life were changed forever. Things we take for granted now like refrigeration and automobiles are fully adopted in our ways of life. Several decades ago the Digital Revolution started and we're now witnessing the 3rd wave of this revolution.

The first wave was the invention of computers and our integration of this amazing technology into our everyday way of life. Typewriters and turn-dial phones gave way to personal computers and wireless communication. The second wave of this Digital Revolution gave us the Internet and near instant access to a world wide network of knowledge and social interaction. People discovered entire worlds of knowledge and distractions that hadn't existing before. We're ending this wave in the present. The Secrets held by the political class are being revealed.

Digital Assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum represent the very first flows of technology we'll discover and create in the 3rd and final wave of this Digital Revolution. In the end it will transform our ways of life in ways we can't imagine now. We're about to have access to a world wide economy with iron clad rules enforcing honesty. No guns or force are needed in this economy, we instead rely on the software we interact through to ensure equal treatment of all. Government bureaucrats, lawyers, and accountants are in the process of becoming made largely unnecessary. If this last sentence doesn't make you smile you need to have your pulse checked.

Things like money, which have relied upon a centralized authority for value and trust are now decentralized and borderless. Things like money, which have been used to control entire populations and economies for centuries are now decentralized and borderless. Think about this, would you rather use money that will be infinitely devalued over time? Or would you rather use money which has a fixed and known supply?

With a cell phone anyone in the world has access to this global economy and system of finance. With a simple hand held computer we now have access to the entire world wide economy, so long as we have the prerequisite knowledge and skills. Our financial assets can now be taken out of banks and the investment industry and become fully under our own control. This is a powerful idea and it will disrupt the way we live our every day lives. These 3rd parties which have been gatekeepers to the Digital Economy up until now are irrelevant as soon as you decide they should be.

Links and Sources:
Missing Trillions -

Evidence of Government Treason -

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that was a nice read :D interesting post my man !!

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