I'm determind to work through all of Haejin Lee's free Elliott Wave Beginners Course today. I know I'll have to view each section a few times.... and then a few times more... to even begin to grasp the basics of the Elliott Wave Principle, but what better day to start than my own personal first official day of the year. The actual first day is usually a write off for me so I've decided to make the second my first.... I do things like that!
I'm starting the year up on my very meagre investment in Crytocurrencies. I still have an internal struggle going on as to whether I want to invest more money 'now, now, now, buy, buy, buy' or whether I want to buy more wool! I'm a knitting instructor by profession...... and obsession.
Should I just be happy with my very meagre investment, learn more about how to invest in cryptocurrencies and then invest more at a later date? or do I invest now (the price of cryptocurrencies is trending upwards), and believe that it will be possible for me to see that 100% Mohair wool on sale with 20 colours to choose from and not want to poke the Cryptocurrency Industry in the eye? Delayed gratification is a good thing I guess, just as long as It doesn't send me barmy or I die of boredom in the interim! Watch this space.
Tutorial - Part 1