Over the past few months a number of YouTube content providers have all of a sudden turned into the internet police. These guys are just as bad as the schemes that are hurting the crypto space and need to go away.
These guys think they are doing the world a favor and they're not. They are just creepy. Guys like Luka You've Been Hacked and David Mehmet are basically stalking the guys that are being sued by Bitconnect.
This David Mehmet or whatever has gone as far as posting private information on how to locate Trevon James. No matter what these guys have done there is no excuse to post anybodies address to their family homes. If something happens to Trevon than this clown needs to be held responsible.
This Luka guy is even more creepier than the other guy. This guy is now making videos of Craig Grant that features him and his family opening gifts at Christmas time from years ago. Come on man. You are reaching real far now.
Everybody wants to claim these guys took money and ran off with it when really they were giving a bunch of it back out to their YouTube followers. I didn't see any of you calling these guys out when they were giving free Bitcoin away everyday. Anybody that took crypto from any of these guys are just as guilty as they are. You all want these guys to give the money back but I don't see any of you giving it back.
These guys that were pushing Bitconnect have all been served and facing lawsuits. Leave things alone for now and let the system do it's thing. Stop trolling these guys. It just makes you all look you all are in desperate need of content.