Airheads Update - A Day Away From Minting! (What We Can Learn)

in bitcoin •  3 months ago 


I have almost made it to the promise land! Some of you have followed me through the various challenges and maybe some of you did them as well to get an Airhead Ordinal. This project was from Arthur Hayes who was one of the founders of BitMex and also the Oyl wallet where you can trade ordinals inside of it.

Through the challenges we could earn XP and XP is going to survive after the mint of these Ordinals. They created value over months of challenges and sold Whale Passes for what would be $6,900 at this point so we can assume the value of these ordinals are going to be at least that much. Again speculation but we can assume. I'm qualified for a Medium Tier Ordinal and it is going to cost me over $400 to mint essentially. You might say that is ridiculous that I did all this and I'm still going to have to pay to get the thing.

Personally I could walk away from the thing at this point and just see what the XP will be worth. I'm not going to do that because I have a feeling these Ordinals are going to be going for A LOT of BTC. Crypto SLO felt they could got for 1 BTC and there might be some select ones that might end up doing those numbers but personally if this ever is worth 0.25 BTC that would be YUGE.

What We Learned

I think for starters it was an important lesson on timing and building the community. They built their X account from 0 followers to about 36,000 followers and the engagement went way up in anticipation of this. Secondly guys were pot committed on it so at this point I'm still going to do the $400 to mint because I see the anticipation built up and I saw a lot of guys jumping at the whale passes over the last couple of months.


I might mint mine and turn around and list it for 1 BTC out the gates to see if someone bites on it. At some point people are going to test the waters with listing stuff and the market will get established from there. Also I will get double the XP and it is hard to tell what value the XP will actually bring within the wallet. They haven't said anything about the tokenomics of how XP will work.

How It Relates To $ZENA


People don't realize how big $ZENA is going to be but some major bosses took positions. What I can learn from airheads is the engagement and consistency and anticipation of stuff. Also the premise of driving demand and establishing value for the asset.

The other thing that helps is that it is new and the market is surging. I wouldn't have been able to really launch the token during the bear market. I feel like that would have been harder because there is a bit of FOMO and the fact that Solana hit all time highs gives people additional resources to move around to other assets to speculate on.

I don't think it is outside the question that $SOL will go past $500. I think that is conservative and this could really let these other assets fly as well.

What Do You Guys Think About Airheads? How Much Will They Be Worth?

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