Covering Up Covid Deaths Or Uncovering Women Or Both?

in bitcoin •  4 years ago 


"New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) sexually harassed multiple female employees and created a “hostile work environment for women,” an investigation by the New York state attorney general concluded on Tuesday morning."

Well they got this investigation down pretty quickly now when can they get Cuomo for his policy of killing the elderly and then covering up those deaths?

"“The independent investigation has concluded that Governor Andrew Cuomo sexually harassed multiple women and in doing so violated federal and state law,” New York state Attorney General Letitia James announced in a press conference."

Is it legal to cover up nursing home Covid deaths? I would not think so, so maybe the investigators need to hurry up on that investigation, to me it sounds like they are using this scandal to cover up the nursing home death scandal which would be great for Cuomo. Something needs to be done, you should not just be able to cover up your murders and get away with it.

"The investigation found that Cuomo “sexually harassed current and former New York State employees by engaging in unwelcome and non-consensual touching and making numerous offensive comments of a suggestive and sexual nature that created a hostile work environment for women,” James said Tuesday."

Don't get me wrong this is not right, but if I had to weigh the situation I would say killing old people and covering it up is a little worse then unwanted touching and kissing so how about we focus on something really important and lock him up for it.

"The attorney general’s office spoke with 179 people for the investigation and reviewed more than 74,000 pieces of evidence, including emails, texts, photos and audio files. The evidence painted a “deeply disturbing yet clear picture” that Cuomo sexually harassed female employees, many of whom were young women, James said."

I really would like to know what they mean by young "women" do you mean a child? Please let us know if its a child because this would be more serious than killing old people.

"The report said that Cuomo sexually harassed 11 women, including a state trooper assigned to his protective detail, members of the public and current and former staff members. Nine women accused Cuomo of sexual harassment and inappropriate comments earlier this year."

This sounds like they no longer are talking about the young women that they were talking about earlier, but they do need to make this point clear.

"The investigation found that Cuomo and his senior team actively retaliated against one woman who accused Cuomo of sexual harassment."

This guy needs to be put away for this especially, but lets make sure we don't miss the bombshell that we also need to drop on his head.

"Although Cuomo’s behavior violated state and federal law, James noted that the report did not reach a conclusion to whether Cuomo’s conduct amounts to criminal prosecution."

Okay how does this make any sense? How many people are caught breaking the law, but its unknown if you can conduct a criminal prosecution?

"The inquiry into Cuomo’s conduct began in March, after Cuomo himself authorized the investigation ― a move many perceived as a last-ditch effort to stave off calls for his resignation. Independent investigators and attorneys Joon Kim and Anne Clark led the investigation. Kim and Clarke questioned Cuomo for 11 hours earlier this week as part of the investigation process, The New York Times reported."

I don't really care that he authorized it, the point is he did it according to what was stated earlier in this article, but the way they are playing this off makes me think they are trying to make this the scandal because they know he might get very little time if any for this.

"Cuomo issued a half-hearted apology in March when the accusations first came out, but has since changed his tune. “I’m very eager to get the facts to the people of this state,” Cuomo said last week. “I think when they hear the actual facts, what happened, how the situation has been handled, I think they’re going to be shocked. Shocked.”"

The only thing I am shocked about is that you can legally kill the elderly and cover it up and then have it dropped from headlines around the country, your right I am shocked.

"In March, President Joe Biden said that Cuomo should resign if the sexual harassment allegations against the governor were confirmed. Biden said during a Tuesday afternoon press conference that he stands by his original statement: “I think that he should resign.”"

Biden is just as bad at grouping "young" women no, that don't even sound right, he is just as bad at grouping children and kissing them and whispering in their ears its rather disgusting.

"“No one is above the law and today justice must be served,” Stefanik said in a Tuesday afternoon statement. “The media and Democrats smeared me and closed ranks to protect Cuomo, a shameful chapter in New York history. All of them including his staff must be held to account. These brave women deserve swift and definitive justice.”"

What about the elderly in nursing homes? Don't they deserve swift justice?

"“This report proves what we suspected — Andrew Cuomo is unfit to represent New York state,” Todd continued. “We implore Democrats who called for this investigation to take the results seriously. Anything less is unacceptable and a flagrant disregard for past, present and future employees and residents of New York State.”"

I think there is a lot we need to take seriously in regards to Cuomo, but we can not just forget about how he forced nursing homes to accept returned hospital patients who had Covid and it got people killed, then he hide number of deaths, he needs to be punished for all his crimes.


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