Educational Links

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

Bitmex reference link:
Binance reference link:

Good youtube references:
Trading -
Crypto-Gat -
ICOs (Ian Balina) -
Trading crypto -
Trading on Bitmex -

Good sources on TA:
Binance -
Recommended! WolfOfPoloniex -

BASIC TRADING RULES by Crypto Twins Trading Channel:

⚠ - The market is extreme volatile, big moves in short time periods, be aware.

⚠ - This market is not your friend, it's full of smart and rich people, beside the bots.

⚠ - Everybody looks successful on internet, the kingdom of appearances

⚠ - This market is moved by speculations, news and emotions.

⚠ - Never chase green candles, if you miss the train, wait for the next one, there will always be another opportunity even better later.

⚠ - Stay away from Pump & Dumps, the high probability is being dumped.

⚠ - Never blind follow a call, always check charts before a move, you could be late or charts could be outdated or lagged.

⚠ - Study, Read, learn the basics TA.

⚠ - The high time frame trades are always the winners.

⚠ - Always have a plan before you enter a trade, know the possibles outcomes, be prepared, set stop losses and targets.

⚠ - Avoid market buy, always look for supports to place your bids.

⚠ - Never buy or sell all at once, set partial buy and sell orders as the price fall or climb so you will never feel like missing profits or buying high.

⚠ - Never panic sell, if you have a plan, stick with it.

⚠ - Avoid high-leveraged margin trades, fast way to profit, fast way to lose.

⚠ - Do not trade with your lunch money.

⚠ - Do not overtrade.

⚠ - Do not trade against the trend, the trend is your friend.

⚠ - Buy the dips, sell the tops, not otherwise.

⚠ - Buy the rumors, sell the news.

⚠ - Do not have a pet coin, holding bags can be really painful .

⚠ - Stay away from coins with low volume and low marketcap.

⚠ - You are your worst enemy.

⚠ - Learn from your mistakes.

⚠ - Be patient, patience is the key of success.

⚠ - FOMO is a bad feeling and sometimes you will feel it. (Fear of Missing Out)

⚠ - Diversify your Portfolio. Never keep all your eggs on the same basket or you may broke your eggs or lose your basket

⚠ - Little profit is better than no profit.

⚠ - No profit is better than a loss.

⚠ - Practice risk management.

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