What Jamie Dimon got wrong about Bitcoin and tulips

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

Interesting and unexpected perspective by Bloomberg: "Bitcoin values may well collapse the way tulip futures did, either on their own or due to government efforts. But the problems cryptocurrencies address will not disappear with that collapse. People will continue to pursue technological innovations to improve financial services. The eventual winners may be traditional financial institutions that innovate or new entrants. But it’s a safe bet they will not be financial institutions that fire employees who take bitcoin seriously and ridicule customers who try to help themselves without waiting for JPMorgan to take notice of their problems."

More info, here: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-09-18/what-jamie-dimon-got-wrong-about-bitcoin-and-tulips


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Your post instantly made me feel poetic. Someday bitcoin will become greater than gold, a beacon of light in the financial night that's so bitter and cold... Oh I should just stop, here's an upvote for you!